Exam Accommodations
Eligibility for Exam Accommodations
Students requesting exam accommodations must meet with a CDRC Accessibility Advisor to determine eligibility based upon appropriate disability documentation and CDRC completed program intake procedures. (See: Requesting Accommodations)
General Exam Accommodation Information
Approved exam accommodations may include the following:
- Extended Exam Time:
Typically this accommodation is time + one-half (x1.5) though can be up to double time (x2.0) if justified because of disability-related functional limitations - Noise-Reduced Environment
- Use of Computers (with or without Assistive Technologies)
- Assistive Technologies:
- Software: Screen reading, screen magnification, text-to-speech, voice recognition
- Hardware: CCTV, alternate pointing devices, alternate keyboards
- Exam Reader/Scribe:
A scribe and/or reader may be authorized for students with physical limitations when technology cannot be used effectively in a testing environment. Approval of a scribe and/or reader is on a case-by-case and class-by-class basis. Every effort is made to enable the student to be as independent as possible; therefore, the use of technology may be recommended instead of using a reader/scribe.
Requesting Exam Accommodations for Classroom Exams
Requesting Exam Accommodations for Standardized Exams (ELM/EPT, GRE, etc.)