
Reaching out to the student body and campus community with tabling and on-campus events, the Education Branch promotes the ease and awareness of resources and waste reduction efforts within our campus and community at large. We host numerous on-campus events and activities, such as:
- Educational Resources
- Student Outreach
- Clothing Swaps
- Skillshops
- Seminars
- Donation Dash
Donation Dash
Donation Dash is an event where WRRAP (The Waste Reduction and Resource Awareness Program) hosts to reduce waste that occurs during move out. But we need your help! Two weekends before move-out on April 30th we will put out green bins for you to be able to sort your items. By following these easy steps for a green move out you can help reduce your carbon footprint and donate your unwanted items so that they may reach people who need or want them. Other items can be recycled or composted. Recyclables are allocated to proper facilities, while reusable items are donated to local thrift shops and charities.

Volunteers make an enormous impact reducing waste on campus,
and receive special thank-you gifts from WRRAP!
Humboldt Graduation Pledge:
"I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider, and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work..."
Sign up to take the Grad Pledge when you graduate! If you are still a student at Humboldt, take the Humboldt Pledge!
Clothing Swaps
WRRAP hosts monthly clothing swaps during normal semesters, connecting the campus community in reducing waste while giving opportunities to trade, donate, or simply pick up new-to-you threads! Thanks to donations from Humboldt students, staff, and faculty - WRRAP's clothing swaps produce an average of over 350 lbs of clothing! Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to host clothing swaps at this time. We have started posting available clothing items on Humboldt's CampusWall.
Facts on the environmental impacts of textile production:
- 13 million tons of textiles are trashed each year - while only 15% (2 million tons) are recovered each year.
- Over 1,800 gallons of water is needed to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of blue jeans.
- If all 300 million Americans recycled one t-shirt, we would recover 210 billion gallons of water and keep 1 million lbs of CO2 out of our atmosphere.

WRRAP welcomes you to stop by our next swap!
Join Us
WRRAP is always looking for volunteers to offer a helping hand with our events and encourages creativity and ingenuity in creating new outreach methods. We want to be able to inspire and create better living environments and offer any interested students the opportunity to participate and create under WRRAP.
- Involve the campus community to take personal changes in consumption habits
- Provide educational flyers, website, videos and promotions using multi-media programs
- Meet with Cal Poly Humboldt administration to enact waste reduction into school policy
Want To Help Educate on Waste-Reduction?
Contact the Education Director at to find out various opportunities and events. Students are always encouraged to bring new ideas to support the effort.