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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Contact Us

The Wildlife Graduate Student Society does not have a centralized office, but many of the Wildlife graduate students have offices in the Humboldt Wildlife & Fisheries Building.  Please feel free to contact any of them, or email WiGSS.


If you would like to make a donation to our club, you can do so here: Giving to Humboldt (WiGSS)


Portrait of Alon Averbuj

Alon Averbuj

Portrait of Jack Christie

Jack Christie

Portrait of Aidan Healey

Aidan Healey

Portrait of Brielle Jaglowski

Brielle Jaglowski

Portrait of Cameron Piper

Cameron Piper

Portrait of Deirdre Replinger

Deirdre Replinger

Portrait of Jadzia Rodriguez

Jadzia Rodriguez