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Integrated Assessment and Planning (IAP)* Initiative

* Part of the Integrated Assessment, Planning and Budgeting (IAPB) model for HSU. Ultimately, the aggregate results of operational assessment will help to inform budget planning and resource distribution.


Lisa Bond-Maupin: Deputy Chief of Staff and Special Assistant, Office of the President
Amy Moffat: Associate Director of Institutional Assessment

Initiative Purpose and Goals

To manifest our commitment to sustained progress toward a culture of planning and continuous improvement at the operational and co-curricular levels, through:

  1. Building assessment into the structure of institutional planning for an integrated model.
  2. Creating a continuous cycle of planning that includes operational and co-curricular assessment processes and milestones.
  3. Supporting leaders at the Division and College (or similar unit) levels with the technical and other forms of support needed to implement IAP.

Improvement-oriented assessment requires an environment that supports and reinforces candid investigation of how well we are achieving our goals, while simultaneously promoting a shared understanding of what we aim to achieve, what we are achieving, how we are achieving it, and what we need to continue to improve.

Assessment at Humboldt has three prongs: academic, co-curricular and operational. While the academic assessment structure has been in place longer, we are focusing on the co-curricular and operational prongs with this initiative. “Co-curricular” generally refers to student affairs and student learning outside the classroom. “Operational” generally refers to evaluation of services (process improvement and efficiencies).

In order to have meaningful impact and to be sustainable, assessment must: 1) originate in the work we already do, 2) support institutional priorities, 3) be integrated into core institutional planning and decision making processes, 4) be included in expectations for professional practice (e.g. staff are expected to do assessment activities and rated on doing the activities, but not rated on the outcomes), and 5) be advocated by leadership.