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President’s Charge

In order to provide a positive and meaningful educational experience for all Humboldt students, the steering committee and working groups should seek to establish a model global community and to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion within its planning. The committee should envision Humboldt as a bold, innovative institution that embraces and celebrates being a Hispanic-Serving Institution and  Minority- Serving Institution.

A Message from the Strategic Planning Co-Chairs

Thank you everyone who led and engaged with Phase I of the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. The level of campus and community participation would be laudable for any planning process, which makes us ever so grateful in this challenging pandemic year for the time, care, and thought contributed by literally hundreds of Humboldt and surrounding community members to Phase 1 of our planning process.

20 faculty, staff, and community members co-led planning and consultation around our six planning themes. They coordinated the engagement of almost 70 additional students, staff, faculty, and community members in working groups on these themes. Working group members gathered and considered ideas from hundreds of campus and surrounding community members who engaged in more than 20 virtual forums and submitted feedback online. 75 people provided detailed feedback on the first draft of this document.

Together these collaborations produced the foundation of a strategic plan that articulates our shared vision and sets our priorities as a university for the next five years. Together we met and exceeded the charge of reinforcing Humboldt values while centering newer responsibilities and opportunities as an Hispanic-Serving
and Minority-Serving Institution of higher education.

In the early months of 2021, we will continue to move our planning forward by working within our divisions to breathe life into the shared vision by focusing on actionable steps that support our collective goals. Together, we will produce a sustainable, integrated plan that includes measurable outcomes, ongoing processes for assessment, and related resource decision making and allocation.

Because of the energized leadership of our planning colleagues and your engagement as a campus and larger community, we are positioning Humboldt for sustainability and success in the most difficult of changing times in higher education. Our Future Forward orientation reflects our shared determination to continue to co-create an inclusive university of academic excellence and relevance where all students’ dreams for themselves, their families, and their communities are realized.

With gratitude and admiration,

Lisa Bond-Maupin, MSW, Ph.D.
Professor of Criminology & Justice Studies
Deputy Chief of Staff and Special Assistant, Office of the President

Mary Virnoche, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology
General Faculty President & University Senate Chair

Sherie Cornish Gordon, MS
Chief of Staff, Office of the President

Guiding Principles for Strategic Planning

Students First: We commit to a planning process that is driven by the interests of our students, informed by research, and embraces our Hispanic-Serving Institution and Minority-Serving Institution identity. We center that identity so that we can support the success of all students. All recommendations will be grounded in a disaggregated understanding of likely student impact before, during, and after their experience at Humboldt.

Inclusive Process: Humboldt strategic and institutional planning will be an inclusive and collaborative process. Stakeholder groups will include students, faculty, staff, and community partners outside of Humboldt. We center equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our planning. We embrace a definition of diversity that is broad and complex. Committee members will seek to transcend self-interest and contribute in the interest of the university as a whole. 

Aspirational and Future-Oriented: We will critically reflect on our history and fully understand our unique assets and challenges, while recognizing the necessity for the institution to be forward-thinking, nimble, and action-oriented. We will seek to authentically engage stakeholders in meaningful discussions on how to continually evolve and increase our capacity to support diverse faculty, staff, and students in bold and innovative approaches to teaching, learning, and building community. Simultaneously, we must identify and remove barriers that prohibit our ability to be forward-acting.

Focused and Strategic: We will work collaboratively to develop a plan that focuses us on our strategic direction and distinction in the CSU. We understand that a successful guiding document for campus cannot be driven by a broad goal of “everything for everyone”or by maintaining status quo. We understand the significance of focused, coordinated, and sustainable goals for growth and development. These goals will be informed by an understanding of promising practices, disaggregated data-informed analyses of a diverse campus community, and shared governance processes.