Research is an essential part of the Department of Sociology at Cal Poly Humboldt. Both our undergraduate and graduate students are actively involved in faculty research and social action projects, many of which are linked with community organizations and government agencies.
Below are our departmental institutes, publications and labs and our affiliates.
Cal Poly Humboldt Cannabis Studies Lab
The Cannabis Studies Lab is a faculty-student collaboration of the Cannabis Studies program. This applied social science collaboration has four intersecting projects: Legacy Genetics Study, Events, the California Licensed Geography Project, and the Subsistence Crop Podcast.
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR)
The Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR) is a peer reviewed free online journal housed in the Department of Sociology at Cal Poly Humboldt. This internationally recognized journal produces one annual themed spring edition focused around current issues and topics.
Affiliate Institutes
Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research (HIIMR)
The Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research is a research and analysis organization created to fill various information gaps about marijuana issues. It conducts, analyzes and disseminates research and provides expertise to policy makers, health care and medical professionals, businesses and the media, among others.
The Altruistic Behavior Institute
The purpose of the Altruistic Personality and Prosocial Behavior Institute is to seek out ways to enhance altruism and prosocial behavior in society.
California Center for Rural Policy (CCRP)
The CCRP informs policy as it affects and improves the lives of rural populations and their environments, and is a resource to rural communities – regionally, nationally, and internationally. Drawing upon the strengths of Cal Poly Humboldt, they offer policy-relevant research and training opportunities.
MA Graduate Theses and Projects
These and projects completed by Public Sociology, M.A, students.