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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Get Involved

The Sociology Department has lots of things going on, and there are many ways to integrate your knowledge into the campus community and to the wider community.

Student Spaces

Department of Sociology Main Office: BSS 518

Here you will find the office of the Department of Sociology, including the office of the Department Chair, and our Administrative Support Coordinator and Administrative Support Assistant. Students visit the office when they need forms and have questions about their progress in their programs. For example, students visit when they need information on major requirements, to get a copy of their Major Contract, or to meet with Peer Mentors during their office hours.

Sociology Teaching Research & Action Center: BSS 539

Students use this space to study, meet and as a resource space. Included in this space are the offices for, Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research (HiiMR), Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR), and the CRIM/SOC Clubs Office. This room houses an extensive library of books and journals related to sociology and criminology. Students may borrow books or journals based on the honor system.

Seminar Room: BSS 306

We use this space for small seminar based classes at the graduate and undergraduate level. The room can also be reserved for meetings.

Graduate Student Office: BSS 304

Graduate students work as Teaching Associates and Teaching Assistants.  They use this space to hold office hours and work on their own research and coursework.  The room can also be reserved for meetings.

On Campus

The Sociological & Criminological Student Association is an organization of Sociology and Criminology and Justice Studies undergraduate students, and Sociology graduate students, who work together to plan events and projects that relate to social inequality and justice. The club provides opportunities to network, discuss, and organize around issues that relate to issues like race, class, gender, sexuality, the environment, the prison industrial complex, and policies that relate to social inequality and justice. It also allows opportunities for the students to work together, and get to know each other as well as faculty, in a more informal atmosphere.

Get involved: Contact Caglar Dolek, Faculty Advisor

Stay connected: @hsucrimsoc

The Cannabis Studies Lab is a faculty-student collaboration of the Cannabis Studies program housed in the Department of Sociology at Cal Poly Humboldt in Arcata, California. This applied social science collaboration has four intersecting projects: Legacy Genetics StudyEvents, the California Licensed Geography Project, and the Subsistence Crop Podcast.

More info - Cannabis Studies Lab

A student-led club that meets every other Thursday in BHH

Cannabis Culture Club on Instagram

Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is an International Sociology Honor Society that welcomes members across academic programs that are “sociological in nature.” Humboldt Cannabis Studies and CJS majors are encouraged to join!

Membership Benefits: One-time membership fee and honor cords (subsidized by Department) Travel funding, competition eligibility, civil service pay increase, leadership opportunities, and more.

Eligibility: 3.0/3.3 GPA (major/overall undergraduates), completed 12 units in major/60 overall;  3.0 GPA & one semester completed (graduate students)

Note for Graduating Senior Applicants: To receive your honor cords on time for graduation ceremonies, we have set application deadlines of November 1 (December graduates) and March 1 (May graduates). 

Learn more: International AKD Web Site

Off Campus

American Sociological Association (ASA) is“the national organization for sociologists...the Association aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future.”

Six month membership for Graduate student access to TRAILS, “an online peer reviewed library of high quality teaching resources.”

American Studies Association “promotes the development and dissemination of interdisciplinary research on U.S. culture and history in a global context. Its purpose is to support scholars and scholarship committed to original research, critical thinking, and public dialogue.”

  • Membership for up to 10 graduate or undergraduate students (annually January - December). If Northern California Association of Nonprofits
  • You are interested please ask your advisor for information on how to participate. Members “enjoy the benefits of an individual ASA membership online, including opportunity to submit proposal to annual meeting.”

National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) “has as one of its primary objectives promoting and supporting the production and dissemination of knowledge about women and gender through teaching, learning, research and service in academic and other settings.”

  • Annual membership for up to three students. If you are interested please ask your advisor for information on how to participate.

Northern California Association of Nonprofits (NorCAN) is "a regional network of organizations and leaders connected in our dedication to strengthening our communities.”