MA Graduate Theses and Projects
Winston Grady
"The socio-political history of cannabis in Costa Rica"
Daniela Tierra
"Think of the children!": understanding parental and community opposition to critical race theory
Raquel Munoz
Indigenous women in active drug abuse recovery: an analysis of Native and non-Native programs
Travis Cunha
A theater of the absurd: economic sanctions in the emerging age of multipolarity
Xandra Gradine
Envisioning a grassroots framework for community-based mental health crisis intervention
Colton Hubbard
Resource access and equity in Humboldt County (how social myth becomes social fact)
Casey McCullough
“There's always people in the room for whom this is not merely theory”: emergent pedagogies
Jacob Stalcup
Evaluation of a veterans treatment court in the northwest United States
Evan Morden
Organizing for power: understanding changing conceptions of power in rural community organizing
Danielle Daniel
"It kind of polishes all your flaws away": long term experiences with psilocybin mushrooms and the influence of set and setting
Lauren Profitt
Access to technology in Humboldt County: Measuring Digital Preparedness at the Start of a Pandemic
Leonard Henderson
Ain't no love in the heart of the mountains: hip-hop, exclusion, and the White Wilderness
Elizabeth Jackson
Changing Seasons of Resistance: Impacts of Settler Colonialism and Climate Change in Indigenous Worlds
Kellie Wilkerson
The Making of a Global Citizen: An Analysis of Student Study Abroad Experiences at Cal Poly Humboldt
Tracie Wynand
An Analysis of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and its Role in the Neoliberal Context
Jovanah Arrington
"There's No I in Team”: Student Athlete Identity at an NCAA Division II University
Celia Haro
Cultivating Chingona power: a Study on the Chingona Identity
Kaitlyn Boyes
"We're all Aging": A Discourse Analysis of Older Adults Aging Experiences in Humboldt County
Vanessa Smith
Reclamation through Alteration of the Body: Heavily Tattooed Women's Perceptions of Self
Preston Allen
DIY Art and Community Activism
Alison Hong-Novotney
Listening to Our Graduate Students' Feedback: Graduate Student Exit and Alumni Surveys
Christopher Coker
A Little Dab Will Do Ya: An Exploration of First-time Cannabis Dabbers
Dafer Alqarni
Religion, Language, Gender, and Culture: Challenges Experienced by Saudi Students in Humboldt County
John Krapf
Public Perceptions of Homelessness in Humboldt County
Lindsay Mixer
"And then they Boned": The Effects of Explicit Fanfiction on Sexual Self-Awareness
Molly Noble
Religiosity and Feminism: Navigating Gender Constructions and Ideologies
Natasha O'Loughlin
Access to Education in Santa Maria Zoogoochi Commmunity, Oaxaca, Mexico
Joshua Smith
The Entangled Student: Identity Control Theory and Student Identity
Torisha Stone
"We Break Our Bodies to Save Our Souls": Identity Construction through the Participation in Flat Track Roller Derby
Hanna Baus
Equine Assisted Learning with Special Populations
Heather Clark
Steven Universe, Exploring Representations of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Class, and Sexuality in Children's Cartoons
Yancy Meija
"Truth or Dare: The Anonymous Collective--A self-proclaimed Cyber Anarchist Movement."
Jennifer Miles
Aspirants and interlopers: First-generation, underrepresented, low-income master's students
Lizbeth Olmedo
Navigating the Gender Nonconforming Identity on the Humboldt Campus
Vanessa Vrtiak
Reintegration in Humboldt County
Ben Andres
The Identity of the Performing Disc Jockey in Relation to New Media
Rudolph Bielitz
Life's Footprints: Undergraduate Students Reflecting on their Bullying Experiences
Wendy Brown
Instructor Perspectives on Open Textbooks in Higher Education
Loren Collins
Alternative Visions of Globalization-Occupy and the World Social Forum
Stephanie Lane
College Persistence and the Division II Athlete
Sara Lucarelli
Addressing Landfill Waste on Campus
Hanna Menefee
The Alternative Food Movement in Humboldt County, CA: Social Bonds and Divisions
Randy Prejean
The Evolving Face of Student Disability: A Program Evaluation of the LiveScribe Echo Program at Cal Poly Humboldt
Alina Randall
Experiencing Historical Trauma: American Indian Disparities in the Criminal Justice System
Alex Underwood
Grassroot Campaigns: How Canvassing Shapes a Canvasser's Political, Social, and Civic Engagement
Alexander Weiland
From Homelessness To Permanent Supportive Housing - Housing As Healthcare in Rural Communities
Janae Teal
“Black trans bodies are under attack”: gender non-conforming homicide victims in the U.S. 1995-2014
Nicole Chappelle
Food insecurity at Cal Poly Humboldt
Stephanie Martinez-Ramirez
Community-based theatre: a medium to advocate for social justice and change
Patric Esh
Rural police officers and their attitudes and perceptions of protest events
Kristin Kovaks
Anti-poverty movements and the creation of national service programs
Daniel Draskinis
Power Dynamics and Integrative Treatment Modalities in Breast Cancer Patients
Michelle M. Showers
Autism in a Rural Community: A Needs Assessment of Awareness, Importance, and Access to State Mandated Supports and Services
Tabitha Gray
Narratives of Sexual Assault: Military and Civilian Online Resources
Ian Huddon-Cossar
Media Ownership and Cannabis in Humboldt County News Media
Colleen O'Sullivan
Victim-Offender mediation in the Humboldt County Justice System
Sara Schremmer
Resilience in a Time of Drought: Building a Transferable Model for Collective Action in North Coast Watersheds
Candance M. Van Patten-Walsh
The Impacts of Autism: Having a Child with Autism and the Formation of Mother's Identity
Andrew Adamus
Evaluating "New Horizons": A Mixed-Method Inquiry
Lora Bristow
Women's Work: Social Relations of Quilting
George Shaw
The Road to My Lai
Gary Shurtz
Structural Inequality in Global Timber-Based Commodity Chains
Karen August
Playing the Game: Marijuana Growing in a Rural Community
James Beattie
Meta-Analysis: First-Generation/Low-Income Outreach Program Development
Samantha Bryant
Public Policy Assessment of Local Government Approaches to Implementing California's Medical Marijuana Laws
Patricia Hutchens
Multicultural Feminism and Domestic Violence Services in Rural Communities
Rachelle Irby
Student-Driven Energy Independence: A Case Study of Humboldt Energy Independence Fund
Ronald Kuhnel
Reframing the Whimsy Garden Project
Vanessa Villavicencio
Leaving Home: An Analysis of Intra Migration Patterns Within the European Union
Amanda Bertana
China's Rise to Hegemony: The Search for African Oil
Jacqui Brennan
Youth at the Crossroads: Participatory Action Research with Homeless Rural Youth
Travis Byrne
Bill Devall's Deep Ecology: Simple In Means, Rich In Ends
Dan Davis
The Mystic on the Concrete: Decision Making Strategies Among Those Who Say They Hear From God
Robert Hogard
The Mentoring of Male Youth: A Valuable Contribution to Society
Dustin Mabry
Community Food Security: A New Social Movement Approach
Colin Trujillo
Marijuana, Mexico and the Media
Jimmy Valdes
Sociology and Health: Understanding Nonurgent E.R. Visits in Humboldt County
Amanda Ybarra
Latino Immigration, Globalization and Health: Striving to Find Equality in the United States
Rebecca Raymond
Montana Bison: Controversy in Yellowstone National Park
Laura Atkins
The Humboldt Community Breast Health Project: Social Support Among Women with Cancer
Elias Pence
Becoming Upward Bound: Ritual, Self-Esteem and the Production of Belonging
Sheila Pierre
The Achilles Heel of Higher Education: Minority Student Retention
Brandi Wilson
An Adventure in creating Socially Just Community Colleges: A case study of a Northern California Community College
Jason M. Whitley
Cameras, COPS, and Contention: The Policing of Independent Media at the 2008 Republican National Convention
Ali Razzak Chaudhary
Choosing "Desi" Exploring the New Second Generation South Asian American Community
Mark Daniel Blackurst
Community Influence in Humboldt County a Comment Regarding Power
Zachary David Funk
Dissonant Lyricists: Expressions of Identity and Resistance in Underground Hip Hop
Jayme Buckley
Food, Land, and Community: A Social Movement in Humboldt County
Ruben Sanchez
Families and children: their experience of homelessness
Amanda Beatty
The Globalization Of Agriculture and Social Resistance
Berru, Melanie Renee
Voices of strength: a qualitative study of the process of leaving domestic violence relationships
Vance William Luther Edwards
Well-Being in Cohousing: A Qualitative Study
Kathleen Joy Ellion
Researching Evidence-Based Actuarial Assessment Tools for the Humboldt County Probation Department
John Edward Haskell
A Bird's Eye View: Medical Marijuana - The Patient's Perspective
Matthew Ambrose Jelen
Evaluating the Viability of Community Currency as a Tool of Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the Humboldt Exchange Community Currency Project
Karen Elizabeth Nelson
The Right Thing to do: Returning Land to the Wiyot Tribe
Amber Lea Smith
Mapping a Whole New World With the Emma Center: Integrative Healing to Generate Empowerment
Natalie Terese Soder
Community Currency : An Approach to Economic Sustainability in One Local Bioregion
Jessica Ruth Stephan
The V-Day Movement: Women Organizing Communities Against Violence
Maral Attallah
Choosing Silence: The United States, Turkey, and the Armenian Genocide
Sarah Barrington
Community organizing for economic development : a program evaluation of the Maine Downtown Center
Mark Bauermeister
Small Farm Disinvestment in Eastern Nebraska: Seeking Sustainability in the Periphery
Lori Cortez-Regan
Expanding your horizons: A Study of girls' participation in math and science
Timothy Faiella
Media and Social Change Processes Cal Poly Humboldt
Gisela Rutishauser-Chappelle
Assesment and Redesign of Teaching "Theories and Methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution" Online
Belinda White
Disaster Preparedness in the United States
Elizabeth Archibald
Learning Disability Assessment and Student Retention Rate at Cal Poly Humboldt
Dorothea Bott
Your Voice~ Your Choice Coalition Transportation Committee Project
Margaret Campbell
Social Sustainability of Rural Community Well-Being and Designing a Planning Process that will Minimize the Negative Impacts of "Big Box" Retailers
Megan McDrew
Peace Corps: Motivational Factors to Enhance Recruitment and Volunteer Retention
Leah Thompson
Girls Participation in Math and Science: A Program Evaluation of Expanding your Horizons
Jordan T. Camp
Zapatismo and Autonomous Social Movements: Reading the Communities Politically
Yi-Lang Chao
The Equip Mode and the New Horizons Program
Adrian L. Chevraux-Fitshugh
Discovering Democracy: Grassroots Organizations and Strategies of Mobilization
Stephanie Daley
An Evaluation of Humboldt County's Juvenile Detention Risk Assessment Tool
David D. Dominguez
Totalitarian Democracy
Christina E. Fritschi
Barriers to the Process of Change in the Integrated Health Care Model for Clients and Health Care Providers
Jeffrey Gunn
The Nation-State and the Transitional Capitalist Class in the Era of Global Accumulation
Micheal Levy
Globalization, Biodiversity, and Resistance in Mexico: Deconstructing Plan Puebla-Panama
Lorrie A. Loveman
The Global Genie Project
Henryetta H. Martin
The Suppression of Honor: Sexual Molestation of Young Men in the Boy Scouts of America
Keiko Mori
Social Change in the Emperor System
Adriane S. Mozzini
Learning for Life: The Social and Academic Outcomes of a Waldorf Education
Tiffany Wilson
The Fusion of Asset Mapping and a Community Network: Bayside as a Case Study
Paula Yoon
Utilizing Principles of Transformative Mediation in the Development of the Redwood Regional Watershed Center
Hermine Amoussou
Social Perception of Working Women in Benin: Gender Analysis
Michael Levy
Globalization, Diversity, and Resistance in Mexico: Reconstructing Plan Puebla- Panama.
Andrew Lord
A Brief History of Place: a Guide to Economic Recovery for Timber Dependent Communities
Lorrie Loveman
The Global Genie Project
Nicholas Osborne
Prostitution as Legitimate Work: an Analysis of Sex Work in America
Jenny Shayani
A Sociological Theory of Depression: an Integrated Approach to Optimism and Pessimism, Toward Effective Resolution of a Societal Problem
Andrea Bustos
Examining Organizational Social Change in CA and Chile
Richard Jennings
RV Tourism in Humboldt County, California: an Exploratory Case Study
Jodi Kateiva
When the Abused Fightback: Analysis of Victim Precipitated Trigger Response
Jacelyn Macedo
Working Butch: Lesbian Gender Nonconformity in the Workplace
Nadia K. Raza
From Awareness to Action: A Case Study on Applied Environmental Values
Will Tift
Exploring Alcohol use Among University Students in Social Context: The Impacts of Binge Drinking, Connectedness to Drinking Peers
Bethaney Weber
A Rationalization of Bureaucratic Infrastructure: Federally Recognized Indian tribes in California
Christina Begley
Training Mediators to be Reflective Practitioners
Fergus Breck
Five Cases of African Revolution- a Comparative Historical Study of Successful Anti-colonial Revolutions.
Farnad Darnell
Iranian Americans: a Comparative Study of Iranian Cultural Retention Among Three Generations of Iranian Americans
Gregory Gibson
Carnegie Heroes: a Social Exchange Theory Examination
Michael Grossman
A Feminist/ Interactionist Approach to Disability
Thomas Hunnicutt
A Teacher's Guide to Genocide in California History
Karla Lusby
Men Who Batter: an Examination of a Typology in Batterers Completing Treatment
James Vaughn
The Culture of the Bohemian Grove: a Symbolic Interactionist Study
Elizabeth Bennett
Surf like a Girl: Women, Identity, and Representation in Surf Culture
Laura Estetter
Personal Assistance for People with Disabilities: an Exploratory Study
Joel Mitchell
The Moral Panic About Raves: Newspaper Transmission and Legislation
Robyn Schroeder
Designing a Parent-teen Mediation Program for the Eureka, Arcata, McKinleyville, Area
Lael Washington
Black Women at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class: How These Issues Affect our Lives and How we Deal with Them