Location & Staff
Welcome to the Spring 2025 Semester!
Come visit us Monday-Friday 10:00am - 7:00pm!

We are located on the south side of the Humboldt library in Balabanis House #55. We are also available for online appointments via Zoom for those who are not currently able to see us on campus. Email us at to set up an appointment!
Need accommodations? Contact for more information!
Balabanis House will resume hours on Monday, September 4, 2023
1 Harpst St, Balabanis House #55 Arcata, CA 95521 707.826.3367
Land Recognition
Cal Poly Humboldt is located on the present and ancestral Homeland and unceeded territory of the Wiyot Tribe. Please donate to the Wiyot Tribe honor tax. We encourage direct giving to Tribes and Native-led efforts. Tribes and Nations in Humboldt County include Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Tolowa, Wailaki, Wiyot, Yurok. We make this land acknowledgement in recognition that our words must be matched by action and approach. Please learn from Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy's lecture "What Good Is a Land Acknowledgment?"
Labor Acknowledgement
Today we recognize and acknowledge the labor upon which our country, state, and institutions are built. Remember that our country is built on the labor of enslaved people who were kidnapped and brought to the US from the African Continent and recognize the continued contribution of their survivors. We acknowledge all immigrant labor, including voluntary, involuntary, and trafficked peoples who continue to serve within our labor force.
Student Staff
Ashlyn - Hospitality Staff

Pronouns: she/her
Major: Environmental Studies
Minors: Recreation Administration
Hobbies/Interests: Cheer and rugby
Bio: I like working at the SJEIC because I want to support communities I’m apart of and be an ally and help create a supportive and kind community.