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Current & Future Projects

  • Trinity River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Drift
  • Hydrogeomorphic Classification in California North Coast Streams
  • Riparian and Stream Monitoring on Lower Rush Creek in the Mono Lake Basin
  • Annual hydrograph assessment for steelhead migration in the Santa Ynez River watershed (Santa Barbara Co.) – funding from the National Marine Fisheries Service
  • Potter Valley Blockwater Investigation on the Eel River to improve stream productivity and smolt/juvenile salmonid outmigration (Mendocino Co.) – funding from Friends of the Eel River
  • Developing Interim Instream Flow Allocation Guidelines for Northern California Watersheds – collaboration with CalTrout
  • Mad River/Sullivan Gulch fish passage analysis (Humboldt Co.)
  • Mekong River Don Sahong Power Project Review
  • Steelhead spawning surveys on Elder Creek, South Fork Eel River (Mendocino Co.)
  • Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District internships. Get students involved in looking at salmon as beneficial use.  


student examining with a microscope in the River Institute laboratory
Humboldt undergraduate Katherine Stonecypher examines an invertebrate in a vial in the River Institute laboratory

Humboldt undergraduate Katherine Stonecypher examines an invertebrate in a vial in the River Institute laboratory



Dr. Alison O'Dowd examines river samples with Humboldt students.

Dr. Alison O'Dowd examines river samples with Humboldt students.