Trinity River Benthic Macroinvertebrate Drift project
This project is working to describe and assess the differences in terrestrial invertebrate and benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) composition, biomass and abundance found in drift and benthos as well as in diets of juvenile Chinook salmon from sites along the upper Trinity River below Lewiston Dam. Comparisons will be made between daily and seasonal (February-April) variation found in drift and benthos and diets. The data collected will help to inform future research on the potential of experimental flow pulses released from Lewiston Dam to increase BMI drift forage abundance and other food resources available to juvenile Chinook salmon.

Larval stonefly (Pteronarcys californica) from the Trinity River. Photo by Thomas-Starkey Owens (2018)

Yurok Tribal Fisheries technicians seining for juvenile Chinook salmon on the Trinity River. Photo by Thomas Starkey-Owens (2018)

Hoopa Valley Tribe technicians collecting benthic macroinvertebrates with drift nets on the Trinity River. Photo by Thomas Starkey-Owens (2018)