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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.




Dean of Students office: 
Campus Assistance, Response, and Engagement ( CARE)


Additional Food Resources:

Arcata House Partnership Food Pantry
 501 9th St. (AHP Annex, by the Arcata bus station) 
Wednesdays 4-6 pm 
The food pantry provides a variety of grocery items. Everyone is welcome to take fresh food like eggs, milk, cheese, potatoes as well as different vegetables, breads, and dry goods. A variety of options are available and change with each pantry depending on the donation of goods. 

BUS ROUTE: Library circle> SOUTH to Arcata Transit Center


Mckinleyville- The CENTER 
1615 Heartwood Drive 
Monday -Thursday from 10 AM-12 PM and 1 - 3 PM. 
Clients can visit once a month, ensuring consistent support.

BUS ROUTE: Library Circle> NORTH- Central Ave &School road ( Walk 2 blocks )


Eureka- Food for People 
307 W. 14th St  
The Choice Pantry is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 am - 3:45 pm (closed 12:30 - 1:30) 
Call (707) 445-3166 to make an appointment. 
Appointments are scheduled weekly. Please call Monday to schedule for that week. 

BUS ROUTE: Library Circle > SOUTH- To Bayshore MALL TRANSFER TO The gold ROUTE ON EUREKA TRANSIT > Summer & 15th 

( Walk 1 block)


Eureka- Parents Nutrition Center
1125 Summer Street

Convenient, easy, pressure free and quick WIC shopping.

Never stand in line wondering if you grabbed the correct WIC eligible item again.

We only carry WIC eligible items, making it easy and fast for you to shop.