
Dr. Nievita Bueno Watts, a McNair Scholar, is a geoscientist and science educator whose work focuses on opening pathways and mentoring students in the sciences. She was the first person in her family to graduate from college. Dr. Watts is currently Director of the Indian Natural Resources, Science & Engineering Program (INRSEP) + Diversity in STEM at Cal Poly Humboldt. INRSEP staff mentor science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students through their degrees and on to graduate school or the STEM workforce. McNair Humboldt is housed with several other programs under her direction.
Associate Director

Brian Kyte is a bioorganic chemist with a BS in Chemistry from Austin Peay State University and a PhD in Biological Chemistry from the University of Florida. Dr. Kyte was a first-generation student and understands the barriers students face when their family has not experienced college life. He returns to Cal Poly Humboldt with over 18 years of experience teaching graduate and undergraduate students. While most of his teaching experience was at Boston University, he enjoys the more rural atmosphere in Humboldt. Dr. Kyte enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, and camping with his children.
Dr. Kyte has taught a wide range of courses, including General Chemistry (for majors and non-majors), Biological and Health Science courses, Organic Chemistry (for majors and non-majors), Medicinal Chemistry, and Biochemistry (for graduate students, majors, and non-majors). His research was focused on molecular biology and microbial biocatalysis, transforming materials using recombinant enzymes as catalysts. He has published papers in the Journal of Organic Chemistry, written many grants, and enjoys advising students.