
Yoon G. Kim
· Born in Gyeongju City, S. Korea (US citizen)
· Two daughters work in Southern California.
Areas of Interest
Response Surface Methodology, Linear Models, Mathematical Statistics, Probability Problems, Statistical Software
- Ph.D., Virginia Tech University
Statistics in all levels: introductory statistics, biostatistics, mathematical statistics, probability theory, linear models, advanced linear models, multivariate statistics.
Some courses in Asian culture & languages: introductory Korean, Japanese & Chinese culture & languages.
· An Ecological Study of Geographic Variation and Factors Associated with Cesarean Section Rates in South Korea, BMC Pregnancy and Children, September, 2019.
· Restoration thinning enhances growth and diversity in mixed redwood/Douglas-fir stands in northern California, USA, RestorationEcology, Vol. 26, No. 6, November 2018.