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Social Sciences

Category 4 students are required to take STAT 8 and STAT 108i (PSCY 198 and PSCY 109 for Psychology majors). Together these courses provide 5 hours of instruction per week that covers the regular STAT 108 (or PSCY 109) course content and provides support with prerequisite math material as needed. Category 3 students may take either the supported courses or non-supported STAT 108 (or PSCY 109 for Psychology Majors) course.  Category 1 students have satisfied their GE math, but they may still be required to take STAT 108 or PSCY 109. These students should check with their major advisor.

CategoryGE Math Requirements
Category 1GE Satisfied
Category 2STAT 108
Category 3STAT 108 or STAT 108i/8
Category 4STAT 108i/8

*** Psychology students should take PSYC 109, or both PSYC 109 and PSYC 198, depending on category.

Do you have questions?

If you need help finding your category or deciding which classes to take, please contact the Mathematics Department.
