Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Your mathematics Category can be found in your Student Center.
Are you a Category 4 student?
You are required to take a supported GE math course: MATH 101i and MATH 1, or STAT 108i and STAT 8 if you are a Forestry major.
*** In rare instances students are incorrectly categorized. The material in MATH 101i is taught in a second year high school algebra course and in more advanced integrated high school math courses. See the Math Placement and ALEKS PPL page.
Are you a Category 3 student?
You are encouraged to take a supported GE math course. You should take MATH 101i and MATH 1, or STAT 108i and STAT 8 if you are a Forestry major. You may also take an unsupported course: MATH 101, or STAT 108 if you are a Forestry Major.
*** In rare instances students are incorrectly categorized. The material in MATH 101i and MATH 101 is taught in a second year high school algebra course and in more advanced integrated high school math courses. See the Math Placement and ALEKS PPL page.
Are you a Category 1 or 2 student?
There are many possibilities for which course you should take depending on your particular major and background. In order to avoid taking unnecessary extra math courses you should make sure you are properly placed See the Math Placement and ALEKS PPL page.
Forestry majors should take STAT 108 unless you have a score of 3 or greater on the AP Statistics Exam. The flow charts below show the prerequisite paths to Calculus and STAT 109. Depending on your major and your math placement level, you should start at the appropriate course on one of these paths. Your advisor can provide you with additional guidance.
Does your major require Calculus or Linear Algebra (MATH 105, 107, or 109)?
There are two possible prerequisite paths to Calculus and Linear Algebra as shown in the diagram below. Students may take either MATH 101(i) College Algebra and MATH 101T, or MATH 102 Precalculus. MATH 102 is a single condensed course that covers the material in MATH 101(i) and MATH 101T. Where you start on this path depends on your category and math placement. Category 4 students must start with MATH 101i, Category 3 students may start with MATH 101i or MATH 101. Depending on your math placement Category 1 and 2 students may start at MATH 101, MATH 102, or higher up.
Does your major require Biostatistics (STAT 109)?
In order to take STAT 109 you must take MATH 101(i) or MATH 102. However, with instructor approval MATH 102 can be taken concurrently with STAT 109. Where you start on this path depends on your category and math placement. Category 4 students must start with MATH 101i, Category 3 students may start with MATH 101i or MATH 101. Depending on your math placement Category 1 and 2 students may start at MATH 101, MATH 102, or higher up.
Do you have questions?
If you need help finding your category or deciding which classes to take, please contact the Mathematics Department.
GE Math & Placement
- GE Math & Enrollment Categories
- GE Math Requirements by Major
- Math Placement & ALEKS PPL
- Info for Advisors

Do you have questions?
If you need help finding your category or deciding which classes to take, please contact the Mathematics Department.