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Barry Chin


Academia Matura (Switerland)
Instructor, IGCSE, A and AS levels 11/2022-11/2023
Hull’s School (Switerland)
Substitute Instructor, Tutor, Invigilator 12/2022-11/2023
Sacramento State University Math Department
Instructor, Algebra for College Students Spring 2021, Fall 2021
Math Lab Tutor − Sacramento State University
Tutor for undergraduate Math and Statistics, Fall semester 2020
Research Assistantship for Professor Joshua Wiscons
Worked on classification of low dimension faithful Sym(n) and Alt(n) modules with an additive dimension.
Manuscript in prep.

Graduate coursework in mathematics:
Algebraic Structures, 2 semesters.
Real Analysis, 2 semesters.
Complex Analysis.
Methods of Applied Mathematics.
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics.

Upper division coursework in mathematics:
Vector calculus
Intro to formal mathematics
Applied linear algebra
Introduction to probability theory
Introduction to mathematical statistics
Modern algebra (2 semesters)
Function of a real variable
Seminar for Mathematics Tutors 2 units. Once for credit, once audited. (course in Mathematics teaching strategies)

Skills in: Mathematica, formatting in LaTeX, as well as good mathematical coding skills in Python and basic coding in R, sufficient to teach it for intro stats. I enjoy math-based coding challenges such as Project Euler, and encourage AI-assisted and creative/alternative coding approaches.

Native English speaker
Ability to communicate in Spanish (Intermediate High level through Language Testing International)
Ability to communicate in American Sign Language, (4 semesters).
German A2

  • Master of Arts degree in Mathematics, Sacramento State University
  • BS Zoology and Environmental Biology (dual major), Humboldt State University
  • MATH 103 Mathematics as a Liberal Art