Leadership Studies Alumni Spotlight: Ryland A. Doerr

Industry/Sector: Attorney
Year graduated from Cal Poly Humboldt: 2018
What inspired you to pursue Leadership Studies and finish your bachelor’s degree?
I was switching majors for the fifth time with well over 100 college credits and halfway through my six-year Air Force enlistment, when I found Humboldt’s Leadership Studies Program. The highly personalized emphasis of Leadership Studies empowers students to apply their coursework to any professional pursuit and in my case, it helped me to the top of my class in Airman Leadership School and to be selected to E-6.
How did completing the Leadership Studies program impact your life?
Leadership Studies is a professional development degree; meaning it is ideally suited to students who view themselves as professionals and are committed to being better. For me, Leadership Studies is about accountability and refusing to settle or quit on myself.
What do you enjoy about your current position/profession?
I am living a modern American dream and Humboldt’s Leadership Studies program was an indispensable step in that. Having a Bachelor’s degree opened doors and the coursework made sure I was prepared to walk through them. As a recent law school graduate at a midsize law firm, I am asked to do new things every day and I am expected to learn new skills quickly. Having the humility to know that I always have room for improvement, but the confidence to know that I will improve, brings out the best in me.
What are your career goals?
My career goal is to be happy. I spent 15-years building my foundation and now, at age 29, I have made it. My key takeaway is something I realized in Leadership Studies: it is not about what your business is, but how you go about your business that defines you as a professional and as a person.
What are some key tenants of leadership that you strive to practice?
My leadership style is built on three tenants: 1) Respect everyone; 2) Accountability always; and 3) Passion. First, I believe it is critical that we acknowledge every person’s dignity and never see anyone as above or below another. Second, accountability must be demonstrated by example, meaning a leader must own mistakes yet seek to share success. Finally, a leader must make caring cool and must be willing to sacrifice more than they ask from anyone on their team.
Is there anything else about your story that you care to share? Anything exciting happening right now?
The incredible professionals I am privileged to call my Leadership Studies cohort of 2018 taught me that leadership cannot be bought with external accolades but instead must be earned every single day by simply showing up and consistently giving everything you got. It is not about what you want in life, but what you are willing to give.