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TK-12 Teaching Pathway to B.A. in Leadership Studies

California needs teachers

Every child deserves a dedicated and inspired teacher. California is experiencing a teacher shortage. Many children are waiting for that one inspiring teacher.

Do you work in the TK-12 education system, and want to earn your bachelor’s degree so that you gain a California Teaching Credential? Leadership Studies offers career advancement in a flexible, online program that you can complete while working full time. The prerequisites required to enroll in the credential program can be included in your Leadership Studies degree plan. This will allow you to meet admission requirements for the credential program on an accelerated time frame. 

New cohorts begin every spring and fall.


Elevate your career: Every semester, Cal Poly Humboldt proudly welcomes TK-12 staff and paraeducators to the Leadership Studies Bachelor’s Degree Completion Program. We understand how passionate you are about education. This degree gives YOU the opportunity to pursue your dreams and magnify your impact.

Applied, practical learning: This flexible, affordable CSU degree is offered 100% online. You can complete it while working, and the courses are project-based. You can directly apply the knowledge from your classes to your work setting, starting on Day 1 of the program!

How to get started:

  • Transfer up to 60-70 lower division units and enter at the junior level. An AA or AA-T is not required for admission. 

  • Apply for financial aid to offset the investment in your education (most students graduate within two years for under $20,000). 

  • Educators are in high demand. For more career information, check out and

What fellow K-12 staff and paraprofessionals say about this program

Learn how these fellow TK-12 staff and paraprofessionals earned their bachelor’s degree and advanced their careers:

Interested in earning a credential?

The Leadership Studies Program provides specialized advising on how  to apply to a teaching credential program. Dr. Chris Hopper ( will guide you, as you complete the Leadership Studies program and meet all prerequisites and entrance requirements for a teaching credential program.

The following requirements will be built into your program of study:

  • Basic Skills Requirement: Coursework in reading, writing and mathematics proficiency

  • Subject Matter Competency: Pass the exam specific to the subject you will teach. For example, a student planning to earn Elementary certification would need to pass the Multiple Subjects exam.

  • Bachelor's Degree: A Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies is excellent preparation for a teaching career. The required GPA for a credential program is a 2.67 overall or a 2.75 in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units.

  • Certificate of Clearance: Fingerprint clearance through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is required from every applicant prior to the Commission’s issuance of any credential, permit, certificate, or waiver. 

  • Health Clearance: Tuberculin and Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) clearance is required

Teaching Credential Programs

After you earn your bachelor’s degree, pursue your credential! Financial support is available to candidates who are enrolled in a California teaching credential program. There are many potential ways to earn your credential: