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Higher Education Professional Pathway to B.A. in Leadership Studies

Elevate your career with a B.A. in Leadership Studies

Every semester, Cal Poly Humboldt proudly welcomes higher education professionals from a variety of colleges and universities to the Leadership Studies Bachelor’s Degree Completion Program. 

New cohorts begin every fall and spring.


Elevate your career: Earning your B.A. opens the door to promotion, management, or a graduate degree! We understand how passionate you are about higher education. This degree gives YOU the opportunity to advance and lead. Educate yourself to elevate your career! 

Applied, practical learning: This flexible, affordable CSU degree is offered 100% online. You can complete it while continuing to work, and the courses are project-based. You can directly apply the knowledge from your classes to your work setting, starting on Day 1 of the program!

How to get started

  • Transfer up to 60-70 lower division units and enter at the junior level. An AA or AA-T is not required for admission. 

  • Apply for financial aid to offset the investment in your education (most students graduate within two years for under $20,000). Explore whether your college or union has a tuition reimbursement benefit. 

  • Contact us to learn which courses can be completed at your home institution and transferred to Cal Poly Humboldt for a more seamless degree path.

What fellow higher education professionals say about this program

Learn how these fellow higher education professionals earned their bachelor’s degree and advanced their careers:

  • Claudine Bibeau-Parks

    Jackson Weed

  • Mehran Karimi

  • Olivia Lopez Gibson 

  • Cecilia Uribe

  • This video, “About the Students,” features Anabel Toche, whose career is in higher education. After graduating from Cal Poly Humboldt, Anabel continued her education, earning her MBA from Southern Oregon University. Anabel is now completing her Ed.D. with the CANDEL Program at UC Davis, focusing on Hispanic Service Institutions. Anabel has taught for Leadership Studies, while continuing her career growth in higher education.