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Alumni Spotlight: Brittany Edgar

Brittany Edgar

How has the Leadership Studies program positively impacted your personal and/or professional life?

I am an incredibly proud graduate of the Leadership Studies program, but I’m even more proud of the information I learned while I was there. Yes, I have earned a promotion at work, but not because I finally have that degree. I secured a promotion at work because the work I did throughout the Leadership Studies program directly impacted and improved my workplace. I am proud of all that I have learned, but prouder still that I chose a program where I could apply all of the information I was learning. I never expected to benefit from being a working student!

How has participation in the program helped you on the job?

Through the program, I gained the skills and the confidence to implement a change at work, which will now save my company over $60,000 a year! I was finally able to back up my big ideas with the data and know-how to make meaningful change at work. Each time I learned something, I was able to apply that information on the job. That was truly a gift.

What else would you like to share about your experience as a student in the program?

It took me 17 years and four different attempts to finish my degree, and the Leadership Studies program at Humboldt was finally my perfect fit. I’m so grateful to Humboldt for having a program like this. It took me a really long time to let go of the pressure of “what I want to do when I grow up” to make way for the things that I wanted to learn and was interested in. I am so deeply grateful to have been able to do some of my learning here in the Leadership Studies program.

— Brittany Edgar, Graduate, Leadership Studies