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Jose Marin Jarrin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Fisheries management and conservation is only as good as the data that flow to managers. Even in our modern age and in developed fisheries, gaps remain in the information necessary for adequate and responsible management of fisheries species. My research is geared towards high-use and/or low-information/data-limited fisheries species, and towards the provision and analysis of vital early and adult life history data of fishes and crustaceans, especially with respect to impacts expected from local fishery pressures and climate change. In order to achieve this goal, I use a suite of techniques, applying varying methods and pursuing collaborations based on the problem at hand.

  • B.Sc., Biology, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2002
  • M.Sc., Marine Biology, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon, 2007
  • Ph.D., Fisheries Science, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Oregon State University, 2012

    FISH 310 - Ichthyology

    FISH 314 - Fisheries Science Communication

    FISH 335 - US and World Fisheries

    FISH 410/510 – Advanced Ichthyology – Biology of Sharks and Rays

    FISH 435 - Marine Fish Ecology

    FISH 480/580 - Selected Topics in Fisheries – Seminar – Fish and Fisheries of Galapagos

    FISH 380 - Techniques in Fisheries Biology



    • Marraffini, M. L., S. L. Hamilton, J. R. Marin Jarrin, M. Ladd, G. Koval, J. R. Madden, I. Mangino, L. M. Parker, K. A. Emery, K. Terhaar, D. M. Hubbard, R. J. Miller, and J. E. Dugan. (n.d.). Evaluating the influence of marine protected areas on surf zone fish. Conservation Biology n/a(n/a):e14296.
    • Quiroga-Samaniego, M. del M., J. Ramírez-González, C. Zambrano-Zamora, S. Andrade-Vera, J. R. Marin Jarrin, and D. Páez-Rosas. 2024. Feeding strategies of the ocean white fish (Caulolatilus princeps) and white spotted sand bass (Paralabrax albomaculatus) inside the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Regional Studies in Marine Science 74:103530.
    • Schuiteman M., Santos A.R.D., Domínguez-Granda L.E., Kinziger A., and Marin Jarrin, J.R. 2024. Age and growth of larval Pacific flagfin mojarra (Eucinostomus currani) in coastal Ecuador based on otolith analysis. Ciencias Marinas 50. doi:10.7773/cm.y2024.3448.
    • Ziegler S.L., Brooks R.O., Bellquist L.F., Caselle J.E., Morgan S.G., Mulligan T.J., Ruttenberg B.I., Semmens B.X., Starr R.M., Tyburczy J., Wendt, D.E. Buchheister A., Marin Jarrin J.R., Pasparakis C., Jorgensen S.J., Chiu J.A., Colby J., Coscino C.L., Davis L., Castro F. de, Elstner J.T., Honeyman C., Jarvis Mason E.T., Johnston E.M., Small S.L., Staton J., Waltz G.T., Basnett B., Satterthwaite E.V., Killeen H., Dibble C.D., and Hamilton S.L. In Press. Collaborative fisheries research reveals reserve size and age determine efficacy across a network of marine protected areas. Conservation Letters: 14(10): e13000. doi:10.1111/conl.13000.
    • Layana-Jácome A., Flores-Vera L., Ramírez-González J., Marín Jarrín J.R. Accepted. Empirical estimation of life history parameters of Mugil galapagensis and Mugil Thoburni from the Galápagos Islands. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. 51(5): 788-795.
    • Cavole L., Munguia-Vega A., Miller J.A., Salinas-de-León P., Marin Jarrin J.R., Johnson A.F., Rastoin Laplane E., Girón-Nava A., Aburto-Oropeza O. Accepted. Fish metapopulation structure in the eastern tropical Pacific mangroves. Ecosphere.
    • Richmond L, Anderson J, Archibald J, Brown A, Cashman E, Chang J, Smet CD, Everett Y, Graham J, Herrera N, Jansen B, Kalt J, Laird A, Landry L, Lipe D, Ludka B, Marín Jarrín J, Marlow J, Orth-Gordinier K, Patton J, Shaughnessy F, Suarez A, Toyofuku A, Dios AV de, Wilkinson H. 2023. Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 1:67–93.
    • Hanson E., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2022. List of fish species present in Galapagos, Ecuador, and California, USA, with notes on their commercial importance and conservation status. IdeaFest Journal 6(4).
    • Marin Jarrin M.J., Marin Jarrin J.R., Borbor-Cordova M.J., Espinoza Celi M.E., Dominguez-Granda L. 2022. Seasonal dynamics in the inner Guayas estuary, Ecuador. Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras 51(2): 129-136.
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Andrade-Vera S., Brito C., Ray L., Schuiteman M.A. 2022. Early life history of the middling thread herring (Opisthonema medirastre) in the central Galapagos Islands. Journal of Fish Biology 101 (1) 312 – 316.
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Anchundia D., Schuiteman M.A., Anderson D.J. 2022. Otoliths collected in avian diet yield information on forage fish ages. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 50 (3): 461-466.
    • Tanner M., Olivares-Arenas M., Puebla L., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2021. Shifting demand to sustainable fishing practices in Darwin’s Archipelago: a discrete choice experiment application for Galapagos’ certified Yellow-fin tuna. Marine Policy 132 (2).
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Shanks A.L., Miller J.A. 2022. The biology and ecology of sandy beach surf zones. In: Sandy Beaches as Endangered Ecosystems: Environmental Problems and Possible Assessment and Management Solutions, Eds.: Gonçalves S.C., Ferreira S.M.F. Science Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
    • Ponton-Cevallos J.F., Marin Jarrin J.R., Rosado Moncayo A.M., Bonifaz M.J., Quiroga M., Espinoza M.E., Borbor-Córdova M.J., Pozo-Cajas M., Goethals P.L.M., Domínguez-Granda L.E. 2021. Patterns of Brachyura larval assemblages exhibit high spatiotemporal variability in mangroves of the Gulf of Guayaquil´s inner estuary. Regional Studies in Marine Science 41: 101601
    • Fierro Arcos D., Marin Jarrin J.R., Aburt-Oropeza O., Harvey E., Rastoin-Laplane E., Salinas-de-León P. 2021. First characterization and analysis of spatial distribution patterns of mangrove fish assemblage of the Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marine Ecology Progress Series 664: 183-205
    • Ponton-Cevallos J.F., Bruneel S., Marin Jarrin J.R., Ramirez-Gonzalez J., Bermudez-Monsalve J.R., Goethals P.L.M. 2020. Vulnerability and decision making in multispecies fisheries: A risk assessment of Bacalao (Mycteroperca olfax) and related species in the Galapagos’ handline fishery. Sustainability 12: 6931
    • Cavole L.M., Andrade-Vera S., Marin Jarrin J.R., Faggiani Dias D., Aburto-Oropeza O., Barragan-Paladines M.J. 2020. Using local ecological knowledge of fishers to infer the impact of climate variability in Galapagos small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy 121: 104195
    • Cavole L.M., Miller J.A., Salinas-de_León P.S., Aburto-Oropeza O., Marin Jarrin J.R., Johnson A.F. 2020.
    • The role of extrinsic variation – cohabiting juvenile fish species exhibit similar otolith elemental signatures. Marine Ecology Progress Series 646: 109-125
    • Salinas-de-León P., Andrade S., Arnés-Urgellés C., Bermudez J.R., Bucaram S., Buglass S., Cerutti F., Cheung W., De la Hoz C., Hickey V., Jíménez-Uzcátegui G., Keith I., Marin Jarrin J.R., Martí-Puig P., Medina M., Moya A, Pauly D., Orellana D., Ostergaard-Klem R., Stock C., Witman J., Worm B. 2020. Evolution of the Galapagos in the Anthropocene. Nature Climate Change 10: 380-382
    • Cerutti F., Moity N., Dureil M., Ramírez-González J., Reyes H., Budd K., Marin Jarrin J.R., Salinas-de-León P. 2020. Artisanal longline fishing in the Galapagos Islands – effects on vulnerable megafauna in a UNESCO World Heritage site. Ocean and Coastal Management 183: 104995
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Salinas-de-Leon P. 2020. Effects of the 2016 El Niño on the Galapagos artisanal coastal fin-fish fishery. Galapagos Research 69: 25-33
    • Schuiteman M., Pozo Cajas M., Dominguez-Granda L., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2019. A description of the zoea I stage of Ucides occidentalis Ortmann, 1897 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae). Journal of Natural History 53(21-22): 1255-1261
    • Ramírez-Gonzales J., Marin Jarrin J.R., Andrade-Vera S., Tanner M., Salinas-de-Leon P., Barragán M.J. 2019. How to achieve sustainable finfish fisheries in Galapagos. Galapagos Report, 2017-2018: 12-17
    • Tanner M., Moity N., Costa M.T., Marin Jarrin J.R., Aburto-Oropeza O., Salinas-de-Leon P. 2019. Mangroves in the Galapagos: a policy-oriented valuation of multiple ecosystem services. Galapagos Report, 2017-2018: 4-8
    • Navarrete Forrero G., Morales Baren L.M., Dominguez-Granda L., Ponton Cevallos J., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2019. Heavy metals contamination in the Gulf of Guayaquil: Even limited data reflects environmental impact from anthropogenic activity. Revista International de Contaminación Ambiental 35(3): 731-755
    • Tanner M.K., Moity N., Costa M.T., Marin Jarrin J.R., Aburto-Oropeza O, Salinas-de-León P. 2019. Mangroves in the Galapagos: Ecosystem services and their valuation. Ecological Economics 160:12-24
    • Fundación Charles Darwin (FCD) y WWF-Ecuador. 2018. Galapagos Atlas, Ecuador: Native and Invasive Species. Quito, FCD y WWF-Ecuador. Eds. Araujo P., Arnal H., Delgado B., Díaz Freire P., Izurieta A., Jiménez-Uzcátegui G., Marin Jarrin J.R., Moity N., Ramírez J., Schuiteman M.
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Vera-Andrade S., Reyes-Ojedis C., Salinas-de-Leon. 2018. Life history of the mottled scorpionfish, Pontinus clemensi, in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. COPEIA 106 (3): 515-523
    • Whitten A., Marin Jarrin J.R., McNaught S. 2018. A mesocosm investigation of the direct effects of quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) on Lake Michigan zooplankton assemblages. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44: 105-113
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Johnson T.B., Ludsin S.A., Reichert J.M., Pangle K.L. 2018. Do models parameterized with observations from the system predict larval yellow perch (Perca flavescens) growth performance better in Lake Erie? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75(1): 82-94
    • Buglass S., Reyes H., Ramirez-González J., Eddy T., Salinas-de-León P., Marin Jarrin J. 2018. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Galapagos Marine Reserve coastal no-take zones for the red spiny lobster, Panulirus penicillatus. Marine Policy 88: 204-212
    • Pardo A., Dos Santos A., Laaz E., Preciado M., Ramos E., Panchana R., Dominguez-Granda L., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2017. Study to evaluate the use of otolith annuli to estimate the age of Peruvian Hake (Merluccius gayi) captured in Ecuadorian fisheries. Revista Tecnológica 30(2): 140-151
    • Andrade Vera S., Bonifaz M.J., Dominguez-Granda L.E., Marin Jarrin J.R. 2017. Use of sandy beach zones from the Guayas Province – Ecuador by Corvina larvae (Cynoscion spp.). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 45(2): 431-442
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Vanaverbeke J., Fockedey N., Cornejo R. de Grunauer M del P., Dominguez-Granda L. 2017. Surf zone fauna of Ecuadorian sandy beaches: Spatial and temporal patterns. Journal of Sea Research 120: 41-49
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Miller J.A. 2016. Spatial variability of the surf zone fish and macroinvertebrate community within dissipative sandy beaches in Oregon, USA. Marine Ecology 37: 1027-1035. doi: 10.1111/maec.12320
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Teel D.J., Miller J.A. 2016. Stock-specific movement and distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in sandy beach surf zones of Oregon and Washington, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 759-766
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Miño Quezada S.L., Domínguez Granda L.E., Guartatanga Argudo S.M., Cornejo M. del P. 2015. Spatio-temporal variability of the surf-zone fauna of two Ecuadorian sandy beaches. Marine and Freshwater Research 67: 566-577.
    • Jiang L., Xia, M., Ludsin S., Rutherford E., Mason D., Marin Jarrin J.R., Pangle K. 2015. Biophysical modeling assessment of the drivers for plankton dynamics in dreissenid-colonized western Lake Erie. Ecological Modelling 308:18-33
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Pangle K.L., Reichert J.M., Johnson T.B., Tyson J., Ludsin S.A. 2015. Influence of habitat heterogeneity on the foraging ecology of first feeding yellow perch larvae, Perca flavescens, in western Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41(1): 208-214
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Miller J.A. 2013. Sandy beach surf zones: an alternative nursery habitat for 0-age Chinook salmon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 135: 220-230. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.10.014
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Shanks A.L. 2011. Spatial-temporal dynamics of the surf-zone faunal assemblages at a Southern Oregon sandy beach. Marine Ecology 32: 232-242
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Shanks A.L., Banks M.A. 2009. Confirmation of the presence and use of sandy beach surf-zones by juvenile Chinook salmon. Environmental Biology of Fishes 85 (2): 119-125
    • Marin Jarrin J.R., Shanks A.L. 2008. The ecology of a Lissocrangon stylirostris (Decapoda, Crangonidae) population, with notes on the occurrence and biology of its parasite, Argeia pugettensis (Isopoda, Bopyridae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 28(4): 613-621

    Current Students

    NameThesisGraduation Year
    Noah Gabay Redtail and Silver Surfperch in Mendocino and Humboldt county MPAs in Sandy Beach Surf Zones
    Daniel Montoya Collaborating with Tribal Partners to Co-produce Knowledge on Surf Smelt Populations Across Humboldt and Del Norte County
    Sarah Moreau Factors that attract Yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, to fixed fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the Galapagos Islands  
    Lily Olmo Using fish to study the trophic food chain of artificial wetlands in the Arcata Marsh, CA  

    Past Students

    NameThesisGraduation Year
    Noah Angell Describing Population Status of Redtail Surfperch and Silver Surfperch in Sandy Beach Surf Zones in Northern California Including Marine Protected Areas2024
    Z Zenobia Status of Spirinchus starksi (Night Smelt) in Northern California in 20212023
    Katie Terhaar Sandy Beach Surf zone Fish Communities and Marine Protected Areas in Northern California2022