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At Humboldt, students go beyond the books and gain real-world experience using on-and off-campus facilities for lab work and research.

Fisheries Building

Wildlife & Fisheries Building

Fisheries Biology facilities in the Wildlife and Fisheries Building include lecture rooms for classes, teaching labs for Limnology and Ichthyology, a modern Fish Collection to house the program's important fish collection, graduate and faculty research labs, and new or remodeled faculty offices.

Fisheries Lab

Fish Hatchery

The Fish Hatchery is a unique classroom setting for hands-on education. Faculty mentored student research activities give students the opportunity to apply what they've learned in the classroom. 

Fish Hatchery Information »

Fish Collection

The Fish Collection (Humboldt) contains approximately 46,000 specimens, with more than 1200 catalogued species. There are no type specimens. The Collection emphasizes northwestern California but there are holdings from throughout the World. The collection contains 70% marine species and 30% freshwater. There are approximately 100 dry skeletal preparations and another 50 cleared-and-stained specimens in glycerin. A larval fish collection of about 1400 lots is also maintained. The collection is on a computerized database.

Specimens may be examined at Cal Poly Humboldt and are available for loan to qualified researchers at recognized institutions. Specimens on loan may not be transferred to individuals or institutions without written permission. Any technique that alters the specimen must be authorized. The Collection should be acknowledged in publications resulting from use of specimens or data.

Search Cal Poly Humboldt's Fish Collection

Coral Sea Vessel

Research Vessel "Coral Sea"

The Coral Sea is Cal Poly Humboldt's marine research vessel. For over 40 years, Cal Poly Humboldt students have gone to sea to study the ocean and its fisheries, wildlife, biology, and geology. The ship is literally an outdoor classroom for Humboldt students. 

Research Vessel "Coral Sea" website »


Fisheries Lab

Telonicher Marine Laboratory

The Cal Poly Humboldt Marine Lab opened in 1965 and was established to provide a center for marine science teaching and research for the students and faculty of the College of Natural Resources and Sciences.

Telonicher Marine Laboratory website »