Travel Policy
This policy articulates the California State University's (CSU) requirements related to official University business travel to assure that funds allocated towards travel are appropriately used, property authorized, supported by a documented business purpose, substantiated by applicable receipts, correctly processed for payment, and in compliance with all applicable regulations.
CSU Travel Policy
Mileage Rates
Effective January 1, 2025: 70 cents/mile
Effective January 1, 2024: 67 cents/mile
Humboldt Exceptions to the CSU Travel Policy
- Pre-Approval (travel authorization) is still required on all University travel.
- Pre-approval (travel authorization) is required on all University travel with the exception of local mileage using a Zipcar.
- Use of State Travel Card for the Concur Travel & Expense program. Exception to ICSUAM 5250.00 | Procurement Cards, click here.
- Any other exception to the CSU Travel Policy must be requested and approved using this Travel Exception Request Form.
Travel Policy Violations
Unauthorized transactions on the travel card may be deemed a violation. Continual violation of any part of the policy shall result in the revocation of travel card privileges, and card cancellation. Untimely substantiation of expenses will result in the following:
- Monthly Reporting to Executives (VPs, Deans, COS).
- Warning at 30 days that the card will be shut off if travel expenditures have not
been substantiated by the 60th day. - Future travel will be suspended, and card shut off until past travel is within