Accessing ProCard Reconciliations in PeopleSoft
Cal Poly Humboldt Emergency Purchase Authorization Form
Change Request - Accounts Payable
To change information on a Voucher please complete this Adobe Sign Change Request Form.
Please note final completed signed form should be sent to for processing. Refer to the Change Request (Example) for instructions.
Submit one change request per voucher. If you need more space, please use the attachment function and attach a spreadsheet.
Change Request Adobe Instructions and Form (Example) - Accounts Payable
Change Request - Purchase Order
Change Request (Example) - Purchase Order
Delegation of Fiscal Authority Modification Request
This form should be used only if you already have the DOA role in account settings (myHumboldt > Tools > Account Settings).
Direct Deposit for Employee Reimbursements
Disbursement Log for Gift Cards & Gift Certificates
Effective November 18, 2024, all Guest Lecturers will be paid through the Independent Contractor Request Form in P2P.
Hospitality Form
To pay Hospitality or Employee Recruitment expenses. (Note: This form is to be used for all transactions, including ProCards.)
Please remember you must complete the following for the form to be accepted:
- List of attendees and their business relationship to the campus.
- The cost of the meal per attendee.
- For a large group where the names of attendees are unknown, a description of the group and estimated cost of the meal per attendee is sufficient.
For more detailed information: Hospitality Policy Update Effective 09.01.23
Lost Receipt Memo
Use this form when you do not have the original invoice or itemized receipt.
Payee Data Record Form Std. 204
For more information, please see Vendors/Suppliers
For instructions on how to complete the form as a Student: INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS - Completing 204 Form.
To pay employee/student reimbursements or direct pay that cannot be paid using a ProCard.
ProCard Application
For more information, please see ProCard
ProCard Reconciliation Submission
To collect approval signatures and route ProCard Reconciliation to Accounts Payable. (Note: Do not use this form if you have Hospitality transactions on your reconciliation.)
ProCard Reconciliation Submission Guide (for reconciliations without Hospitality)
ProCard Revision Form
To request limits' increases, change default chartfield information, cancel card, etc. This form can also be used to change travel card limits.
Sole Source-Brand Justification
State Travel Card Application
For more information, please see Travel