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Student Research Projects: M.A.

Past Students

NameThesisGraduation Year
Rose Fuher Agitprop: A deep dive into leftist affinity spaces2024
Fortunato J Exploring colorism in children’s literature: Sulwe and Black is Brown is Tan2024
Natalie Raquel Acuña Countering dominant narratives in community: The many voices in spoken word poetry2024
Mary Lipiec Nothing about us: three models of disability in three works of literary fiction2023
Anthony Lowe Make a foreigner of yourself: An analysis of the dueling critical utopias of The Dispossessed and Trouble on Triton2023
Ken Rainey A black Prometheus among the gods: illuminating African American literary tradition in Sam Greenlee's The Spook Who Sat by the Door2023
Cole Shepard Problematizing progress: Building a postcapitalist present2023
Kim Sisu The revolution will be memed: Digital memes as sites for hegemonic and counter-hegemonic practices2023
Allison Iafrate Our Place in Research: Understanding Social Productions of Knowledge Using Digital Spaces2022
Karen Zurita Words Made from Flesh and Bones: How Xicanx Queer Authors are Decolonizing Writing to Reclaim Their Indigeneity2022
Jonathan Abidari Multimodality in Focus2021
Alysia Hegg Write Yourself Awake: The Double Pursuit of Mindfulness Meditation and Writing Theory2021
Aaron Laughlin Hózhó, "To Walk in Beauty and Balance": Indigenous Writers Decolonize Theories of Myth2021
Kelley Ellion Understanding Reading in the English Program: An Inquiry of How Students are Guided with Advanced Reading Materials2020
Grace Hart You Have a Voice Here: Implementing Armenian Feminist Literature within Feminist Discourse2020
Hallie Lepphaille (In)Equities in the Publishing Industry: The Politics of Representation2020
Chris Ramponi Reflections of an Impossible Ideal: Passion as the Will to Downfall in Madame Bovary2020
Morgan Thornburg The Ginger, The Pin-up, or the Stepchild? Redheadedness as an Embodied Trope2020
Felix Boers Toward a Working Theory of Queer Hypermedia: An Analysis of Queer Textual Structures in Gone Home and What Remains of Edith Finch2019
Justin Egan Towards a Critical Game Based Pedagogy in Composition2019
Marcos Hernandez Publishing for Transfer: Notes Toward an Editorial Pedagogy for the Transfer-Oriented Writing Program2019
Natalie Ray On the Edge of Inclusion: A Look at the Shifting of Representation in Museum Display and Archival Cataloging2019
Dakota Rohlin Ethos in Climate Change Communication: Analyzing Digital and Broadcast News Coverage of the Fourth National Climate Assessment2019
Melissa Wise Serving in the Kingdom: A Volunteer Experience in the Development of EFL Literacy in Tonga2019
Cassandra (Curatolo) Johnson Historical Consciousness, The Cultural Imaginary and Postcolonial Subjectivity in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being2018

M.A. Program Contact

Janet Winston
Graduate Coordinator
Location: FH 213

English Department

Megan Mefford
Coordinator of International Admissions & Immigration & 

Cal Poly Humboldt admissions requirements for International students