Who are the EOP/SSS students at Cal Poly Humboldt?
EOP/SSS students at the Cal Poly Humboldt campus

- 100% have demonstrated the potential for academic success in college.
- 100% have demonstrated a desire to receive academic, social, cultural, or other transitional support services.
- 93% of program students are the first in their families to attend college.
- 60% are members of an ethnic group that are underrepresented in higher education.
- 31% are from Humboldt, Del Norte, & Trinity Counties.
EOP/SSS Students and the Cal Poly Humboldt community
- 50% have received EOP/SSS honors recognition (3.0 GPA or above) each semester, several of whom were also Presidential Scholars.
- EOP/SSS students have assumed leadership roles in numerous campus and student organizations including Pre-Med Club, Student Government, Residence Hall Council, Athletics, Black Student Union, MEChA, Latinos Unidos, Asian Pacific American Student Alliance, American Indian Alliance, and more. For more information about student clubs, see Clubs & Organizations.
- EOP/SSS students have also assumed leadership roles within a number of academic departments and other university offices, serving as Humboldt Ambassadors, residence hall advisors, tutors, mentors, teaching assistants, orientation advisors, and more.