EOP/SSS Leadership Opportunities
EOP/SSS Positions
Applications for the following positions are available on Humboldt Handshake, as positions become available (please contact the EOP/SSS office for details regarding the process)
EOP/SSS Student Assistant

The EOP/SSS Student Assistant performs multi-tasking duties at the front desk which include answering a multi-line telephone and directing calls to proper resource, scheduling student appointment with advisors, organization of student files, and other clerical tasks as needed. Required work skills include customer service, the ability to work independently and learn and type quickly, confidentiality, punctuality and professionalism. Priority will be given to applicants who have overcome barriers similar to those confronting program participants. Hiring is on an as needed basis. Average work hours are 5-10 per week. Contact the EOP Front Desk for application information.
EOP/SSS Student Admissions Assistant

The EOP Admissions Student Assistant (ASA) is under the direction of the EOP/SSS Admissions Coordinator. The primary responsibilities of the ASA are to assist in the tracking and filing of EOP application materials, provide excellent customer service by answering the Admissions phone line (answering general admissions questions and referring phone calls to appropriate staff), and reaching out to perspective EOP students. Average work hours are 10-12 per week. Hiring is on an as needed basis. Check Handshake or contact the EOP Admissions Coordinator for application information.
Summer Bridge Mentor (SBM)

In coordination with RAMP, Summer Bridge Mentors provide supervision, advising, and guidance to approximately 150 new incoming EOP/SSS freshmen during an intensive week-long, August, orientation program; helps organize, facilitate, and supervise recreational & academic activities. Full day/evening hours are required for the entire week of SB orientation. Contact the EOP Admissions Coordinator in late February for application information.
EOP/SSS Peer Advisor (PA)

Peer Advisors are at least third year students who are expected to work closely with a cohort of students throughout the students' 2nd and 3rd years at Cal Poly Humboldt. A Peer Advisor is assigned 25-30 students that they connect with on a regular basis. Peer Advisors also participate in and help facilitate personal development and academic activities. Peer Advisors meet with their assigned students and work on activities related to the program, totaling 10 hours per week.