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How to Share Video Feedback with an Individual Student

There are times where you may want to give individualized video feedback to your students.

Here’s how you can do that in your Canvas course using Panopto!

Step 1: Create a Panopto folder in your course

Click on the Panopto Video link in your course’s navigation bar.

Course navigator window
Course navigator window

On the Panopto page, click on Add Folder, type something like, “[Student Name] Feedback” into the provided field, and then hit Enter.

Add folder window

Step 2: Share the folder with only one student

Click on the folder you just created.

Test Student Feedback

Once you are in the folder, click on the Share button.

share button highlighted

Directly under People and groups, click on the Change link next to “2 inherited from [folder name].”

change button highlighted

In the “Stop inheriting users and permissions?” popup window that appears, 1) deselect the Keep 2 members as added users checkbox, and 2) then click on the Stop Inheriting button.

Stop inheriting users and permissions window

Under People and groups, type the name of the student you want to provide feedback to in the provided field and select them from the dropdown. Then, click on the Save button.

People and groups window

Now, only that particular student has access to any of the videos you upload into this folder! Repeat this process for other students.