College of Professional Studies By-Laws
Preamble and Definitions
The faculty and staff of the College of Professional Studies (CPS) of Cal Poly Humboldt have adopted the following By-laws to guide the conduct of its affairs.
The College of Professional Studies shall operate according to a shared governance model; an organizational structure in which department chairs, faculty, staff, students, and administration have a voice in determining how the college operates in accordance with strategic plans of the College, Academic Affairs, and the University. The Council of Chairs (CoC) shall be the primary mechanism for the Dean to consult with representatives of the various academic units of the College. The Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC) shall be the primary mechanism for the Dean to consult with student representatives of the various academic units of the College.
The Office of Academic Affairs supervises the College of Professional Studies.
The By-laws and any amendments thereto are subject to terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) for Bargaining Unit Faculty Members (BUFM) and Bargaining Unit Staff Members (BUSM), and the approval of the faculty and staff of CPS, and the Dean of CPS.
Except as otherwise noted, when used in these By-laws, the following term “University” refers to Cal Poly Humboldt, the term “College” refers to the College of Professional Studies at the University, the term “Department” refers to one of the departments in the College, the term “Program” refers to one of the academic programs in the College, the term “Faculty,” refers to all faculty with assignments in the College (as defined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the California Faculty Association and the Board of Trustee of the California State University), and the term “Staff” refers to all staff working in the College.
1.1. The membership of the college includes the Dean, Associate Dean, all faculty and staff, and all students of the following departments, schools, and programs within the CPS:
- School of Applied Health
- School of Business
- Department of Child Development
- Department of Economics
- School of Education
- Leadership Studies program (CEEGE)
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Social Work
1.2. Dean of the College of Professional Studies. The chief academic officer of the College shall be the Dean. The Dean provides administrative and academic leadership in support of all functions of the college and serves as the representative of the college. The Dean shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendations of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost after consultation with the faculty. The Dean is responsible for oversight of all academic and administrative functions of the college. Primary areas of oversight include: management of personnel, fiscal, facility, and other resources; and academic planning and implementation – all with the ultimate aim of fostering student success. In support of these broad areas of oversight, the Dean provides leadership, and as appropriate, delegates responsibilities in the areas of: college personnel and resource management; oversight of curriculum, assessment, and accreditation; establishing and approving college policies and procedures through collaborative college governance processes; oversight of student and personnel matters; oversight of student outreach, recruitment, and engagement; community outreach, engagement, and extramural fundraising; and the overall fostering of the college community and advancement of its collective vision.
1.3. Associate Dean of the College of Professional Studies. The Associate Dean reports directly to the Dean of the College of Professional Studies and assists in carrying out the administrative responsibilities of the college, with oversight of internal college operations. Primary areas of responsibility include: enrollment management and class scheduling; college resource oversight, including budget, facilities, and equipment; curriculum, assessment, and accreditation; college policies and procedures; college risk management and emergency operations; student and personnel matters as assigned; student outreach, recruitment, and engagement; and community outreach, engagement, and extramural fundraising. The Associate Dean serves as the Dean's designee as the duly authorized liaison to other university offices and committees, and represents the College in the absence of the Dean.
1.4 Department Chairs of the College of Professional Studies. The chair or head of a department serves as the chief representative of the department within the institution. Department chairs are faculty members of a department and have all the rights and responsibilities of a faculty member. Department chairs serve as liaisons between the faculty and the administration, communicating the department’s needs to the administration, and keeping the faculty and staff informed of university policies, procedures, and initiatives. Of primary importance is their ability to provide effective leadership and direction for academic programs, foster productive communication within the department, and fiduciarily facilitate the department’s goals in all areas of responsibility. Managing the department’s resources – human, fiscal, and physical – is central to this endeavor. In addition, chairs represent the department to outside constituencies in an effort to build relationships that strengthen program offerings and benefit the community. Chairs also represent the department to current and prospective students and take the lead in recruiting and advising incoming students. It is in the best interests of the department and the academic programs that department chairs operate within the principles of shared governance. Maintaining positive working relationships with the faculty and staff is of the utmost importance. Communication should be open, honest, principled, and operate on a two-way exchange where faculty and department chair input is sought and respected.
Refer to the Department Chair Handbook and Academic Personnel Services for a detailed description of the Department Chair's duties and responsibilities.
1.5. Faculty of the College of Professional Studies. The faculty membership of the CPS shall include all members (including Department Chairs) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement: Unit 3 in the College.
1.6. Staff of the College of Professional Studies. The staff employees of the College shall serve under the general direction of the Dean as the appropriate administrator, and under the more specific direction of the Department Chair or others assigned with lead responsibilities for a unit within the College, and in accordance with theCollective Bargaining Agreements: Units 4, 7, 9.
1.7. Students of the College of Professional Studies. Student membership of the CPS shall include all students who have declared a major in a CPS academic program and shall include full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students.
2.1. The Council of Chairs (CoC). The College of Professional Studies Council of Chairs shall consist of all Department Chairs from the College, the Dean of the College, the Associate Dean of the College, the College Budget Analyst, the College Office Coordinator, and the College Community Engagement Specialist. The CoC shall operate according to a shared governance model; an organizational structure in which department chairs, faculty, staff, students, and administration have a voice in determining how the College operates in accordance with strategic plans of the College, Academic Affairs, and University and shall be the primary mechanism for the Dean to consult with the faculty and staff in the various academic units.
The CoC shall:
1. Make recommendations to the College Dean.
a. Voting - When requested by the College Dean or Associate Dean, the CoC may be asked to vote on specific items or issues. Each academic unit (academic department or school) will be given one vote. A majority (50% + 1 vote) vote is required to be considered “recommended for Dean approval” by the CoC.
2. Discuss and advise upon any matters specifically referred to it by the Dean of the College.
3. Refer to the Dean of the College any matter of concern for which some action or clarification may be desired.
4. Relay accurate and timely communication to respective academic units (faculty, staff, and program leads).
a. Membership: Membership in the CoC shall include at least one representative from each academic unit (academic department or school) of the College. The representative will generally be the chair of the unit.
b. Meetings: CoC shall meet upon the call of the Dean of the College or their representative or at the request of its members. Meetings of the CoC shall typically be held weekly.
2.2. The College Personnel Committee (CPC). The purpose of the CPC is to institute at the College level a process of collegial review for all faculty retention, tenure, and promotion decisions of the College. In accordance with the Unit 3 CBA and Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty Handbook-Appendix J, the CPC reviews recommendations and Working Personnel Action Files (WPAFs) received from the Initiating Unit Personnel Committee (IUPC) and makes its own recommendations. The CPC shall follow the principles and procedures of the current CBA and the Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty Handbook Appendix J when reviewing personnel files and making recommendations. The CPC will review the WPAF of all candidates under review. The CPC will forward its recommendations on all personnel matters to the candidate, the initiating unit, the Dean, and, when appropriate, to the University Faculty Personnel Committee (UFPC). The CPC also ensures the IUPCs carry out the duties assigned to them.
a. Membership: The CPC membership shall consist of a minimum of three tenured professors with a rank of Professor and in accordance with the Unit 3 CBA (Article 15) and Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty Handbook-Appendix J (Section VIII.C). No more than two members of the Committee shall be from the same department.
i. The Council of Chairs will assist the Associate Dean in soliciting nominations to fill next academic year vacancies in the CPC each spring. Each spring the College office will conduct an election to fill vacancies on the CPC in accordance with the CBA. For the CPC election, only tenure-track faculty may vote. A majority of votes cast (i.e., more than 50% of votes cast) shall be needed for the election of each candidate.
ii. The CPC will select a Chair from its membership.
b. Meetings: CPC shall meet upon the call of its chair or at the request of its members. Meetings of the CPC shall normally be determined by the WPAF review schedule set forth by Academic Personnel Services.
2.3. College of Professional Studies Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC) The College of Professional Studies Dean’s Student Advisory Council (DSAC) is a group of undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, credential, and graduate student representatives who serve as an advisory group to the Dean of the College and its staff. The DSAC serves as the voice for undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, credential, and graduate students within the College, addresses salient issues relevant to the student experience, and connects the administration and student body to encourage growth and community.
Each department and school within the College appoints two representatives to the council, making DSAC a broad-based, representative group that functions as a conduit for direct communication between the College’s students and administration. The monthly DSAC meetings with the dean provide an opportunity for the mutual exchange of ideas and open dialogue about challenges and issues in the College and the University, and to brainstorm ways to address them. The meetings are intended to serve as regular opportunities for students to provide student perspectives and advise on decisions affecting matters of importance to students. DSAC members may also co-host College events with the dean. DSAC members may be invited to give presentations to the Dean’s Council of Chairs, College-wide venues, and occasionally, meet with prospective students and their families to discuss academic and extracurricular opportunities within the College.
a. DSAC Values:
- Advocacy
- Communication
- Community
- Equity
- Inclusion
b. Membership: Members must be enrolled students who declared a major in the College of Professional Studies of Cal Poly Humboldt. Membership is open to undergraduate (non-transfer and transfer students), post-baccalaureate, and graduate students. A goal is to have a representative balance of these groups and other demographic representation to match the demographics of CPS, including
- Undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students
- Non-transfer and transfer students
- Underrepresented minority students
- All gender identities
Members must earn and maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average to hold membership. Members are required to attend all meetings as scheduled.
The term of appointment will be for one academic year with the ability for reappointment for one additional year. Membership for each academic year is decided in the Spring semester of the prior academic year. Members are appointed by the academic department in consultation with the CPS dean. In the event of early resignation of a member, the CPS Dean in consultation with DSAC may make an emergency appointment for the remainder of the academic year. If a student appointed in an emergency appointment wants to continue an additional year, emergency appointments must undergo normal appointment procedures.
DSAC consists of two representatives (open to undergraduate and graduate students) in good standing within a degree-granting program in the College of Professional Studies from each of the following units and programs:
- School of Applied Health
- School of Business
- Department of Child Development
- Department of Economics
- School of Education
- Leadership Studies program
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Social Work
and includes one representative from each of the following programs:
- CPS Peer Mentor
- CPS Associated Students (AS)
- CPS Transfer Student Organization (TSO)
c. Meeting: DSAC shall meet monthly and/or as needed (by Dean or DSAC request).
2.4. Ad Hoc Committees may be established by the College Dean.
3.1. Meetings. The Dean shall hold at least one College faculty meeting per semester. The College faculty meeting may be called by any standing or ad hoc College committee or by petition to the Dean signed by three College faculty members who are eligible to vote (for voting eligibility read below).
3.2. Voting
a. The general voting membership of the CPS Faculty shall consist of all faculty members (as defined by the Unit 3 CBA article 2.13).
b. Nominations for CPS committees (e.g. CPC or ad-hoc committee) shall be made in accordance with the provisions for eligibility outlined in the CPS By-laws.
c. Those eligible to vote in academic unit elections shall be determined in accordance with the academic unit's written By-laws.
d. College nominations and elections shall be organized, conducted, and reported by staff in the College office.
e. All faculty shall be notified of College elections and the purpose of the elections in writing by staff in the College office at least five business days prior to a College election.
f. All CPS elections shall be conducted online within the academic year during which voters will be given one week (five business days) to cast their vote.
g. For each ballot item, a majority (i.e., more than 50% of votes cast) of the votes cast shall be needed for that item to be affirmed. This includes the election of committee memberships (e.g., College Personnel Committee).
3.3. By-laws Revision
a. Revisions to these By-laws shall be handled by written ballot and shall require at least two-thirds majority vote of the ballots cast. All faculty members (as defined by the Unit 3 CBA article 2.13) of the college are eligible to vote.
b. Revisions to these By-laws due to changes in the CBA are mandatory. Faculty may approve the phrasing of such changes in the by-laws by a two-thirds majority vote of the ballots cast.
Last Revised: January 27, 2025