
Where do I go to complete my evaluations?
Click on the link sent in the electronic invitation (e-mail) that you will receive two weeks prior to final exam week. If you haven't completed your evaluation by midnight on the Sunday before final exams you will no longer be able to do so.
Does it really matter if I complete these evaluations?
YES! Your feedback is vital to the success of Humboldt. Results of evaluations are used by faculty to make changes in both the content and delivery of the course. University administrators use the evaluation results to make personnel decisions (e.g., as part of the annual performance review and faculty promotion/tenure process). Every student is given the opportunity to provide feedback for every course enrolled.
How do I know which class I'm evaluating?
Pay attention to the very top of your evaluation, it will list the instructor and the course number. This is true for smart phones, computers and tablets.
Will my instructor know if I completed the evaluation?

NO! Faculty members do not have access to the course evaluation system at any time and will not receive results until after final grades are posted.
Are my responses confidential?
Faculty are provided summary reports only after grades have been submitted. Summary reports DO NOT include any identifying student information.
If the instructor does not know if I complete my evaluation, how am I able to receive reminders?
The course evaluation software automatically sends reminders to non-responders on a pre-defined schedule. These reminders are ‘personalized’ using student names which are populated automatically by the referencing the class list within PeopleSoft (Humboldt's information management system). At no time do faculty have access to the online course evaluation system.
Why are instructors being evaluated before the end of the semester?
By the last two weeks of class most students have a fairly set idea of their instructors' effectiveness and overall teaching style. It has been shown that waiting until the semester is over to evaluate your instructors will lower response rates, and so we would not get a very good idea of their overall effectiveness.