Course Evaluations by Students (CEbS)

Humboldt Online Course Evaluations - Fast & Easy!
It is a convenient and anonymous way to provide thoughtful feedback regarding your experiences in the classroom, and it's important! Course evaluation results are used by instructors to improve teaching, and they are a significant component in the promotion and tenure process.
You will be able to "save and continue" your evaluation, which will allow you to edit your responses before final submission. You will be able to take the evaluation on a computer, tablet or phone by logging into the Humboldt portal and accessing your e-mail.
Your instructors will receive feedback from all their students within a week to ten days after grades are submitted and your response will be completely anonymous.
Did you know that by moving online we are saving 32,000 pieces of paper, which equals about 64 reams? That equals the use of about 32,500 gallons of water and about 4 trees per semester, according to