Emergency Assembly Points
Emergency Assembly Points are located all across the campus in case of an Emergency. The current assembly points are the Soccer Field near SBS, the Events Area next to the Science D building, Redwood Bowl and the Upper Playfield behind it, the Cypress Lawn in front of Cypress Hall, the Parking Lot on corner of 14th and Union Streets next to the Children's Center and the Mill Street Lawn, the grassy field located at the corner of Plaza Avenue and Mill Street.
Evacuation Plan
In each classroom or lab, identify the exit(s). Make note of alternate exits such as windows and stairwells. Reference yellow evacuation plan sign posted in room. Avoid elevators and be aware of alternate exit routes.
Rally Points
As you exit the building look for University staff (they will also direct you) who will be assembling at the building’s Rally Point. This is usually a commonly-known outdoor landmark such as a specific walkway, staircase, fountain, or planter. Assist those in need to safely exit the facility. Report those who could not evacuate to emergency personnel.
You can download a printable map and detailed map legend.