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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.



Humboldt CERT - Community Emergency Response Team

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)

The campus community, including your students, friends, and colleagues, need your help! When a disaster strikes at Cal Poly Humboldt (CPH), local responders will be stretched too thin to provide CPH with all the help we will need. We must become more self-reliant on campus by training and equipping selected members of our own staff, faculty & students to create our own on-campus emergency response teams. Please consider volunteering to become a member of the Humboldt Campus Emergency Response Team (CERTs).

CERTs are self-contained, multi-purpose, 12-person units composed of trained volunteer staff, faculty & students from many different departments and divisions. CERT members undergo nationally-standardized initial training, offered either entirely in person or as a hybrid option. After training and in coordination with CPH’s Emergency Plan, each unit will deploy as needed following a major campus emergency (e.g. earthquake). CERT tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Executing light search and rescue
  • Providing medical first aid and triage of the injured
  • Preventing and suppressing small fires
  • Supporting other emergency field operations

This 2024-25 school year, we are actively recruiting and reviving this crucial team on campus. 

If you are interested in:

  • Keeping your home away from home prepared for disasters
  • Learning more about careers in Emergency Management
  • Continuing your record of public service
  • Developing new skills while helping your community

CERT at Cal Poly Humboldt could be a great fit for you! 

Whether you are a student, faculty, or staff member, we want to hear from you! Please email or complete the CERT Interest Form to express your interest or for more information.

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More information on CERT is available at FEMA.