Alumni Updates
Sophia Remer
International StudiesMinors in Spanish & Anthropology, 2014
Sophia Remer, International Studies, 2014, went onto culinary school in Sonoma County after graduating from HSU and worked as a professional baker. She has recently moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her partner (also a Humboldt graduate) who is getting his Ph.D. in Pollination Biology. Sophia is pursuing a dual degree Masters of Arts in Food Studies with an MBA program from Chatham University to combine her backgrounds in food and cultural studies.
John Baker
Journalism, 1998
John Baker, Journalism, 1998, worked several years for multiple Bay Area newspapers before entering public service. He went back to school, earning an MPA from San Francisco State University, and currently works as a local government liaison for the State of California. He was elected to the South San Francisco Unified School District’s Board of Trustees in 2016, and currently serves as its president.
Paul Deis
CommunicationSpeech and Debate Team, 1999
Paul Deis, Communication, 1999, retired from the Department of State as a Foreign Service Officer in 2009. Paul earned a Master of Arts from the University of Florida in 2011 and a Ph.D. in 2019.
Laura Aguada Hallberg
World Languages and Cultures, 1993
After graduating from HSU, Laura Aguada Hallberg, World Languages and Cultures, 1993, returned home to the San Francisco Bay Area. She will be celebrating 24 years in education this August. After almost 20 years as a high school teacher (5 of them as a German teacher), she made the move into higher ed and is now an assistant professor and program lead of the EdD in Transformative Action in Education at University of the Pacific.
Sophia Remer
International StudiesMinors in Spanish & Anthropology, 2014
Sophia Remer, International Studies, 2014, went on to culinary school in Sonoma County after graduating from HSU and worked as a professional baker. She has recently moved to Pittsburgh, PA with her partner (also a Humboldt graduate) who is getting his phD in Pollination Biology. Remer is applying to the Master of Arts in Food Studies with an MBA dual degree program from Chatham University to combine her backgrounds in food and cultural studies.
Spencer Ruelos
AnthropologySecond Degree: BA in CRGS, 2013
After graduating from HSU Spencer Ruelos, Anthropology, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, 2013, went on to receive his Masters in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State University. There he wrote a master's thesis titled: "EveryoneGames: Exploring Queer Gamer Identity and Community," where he examined the worldmaking practices of LGBTQ gamers in digital and physical spaces. While at SFSU, Spencer received the prestigious CSU Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. He is currently continuing his studies of queerness, video games, and technology as a PhD student in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine.
John Soener
International Studies2nd Major: Spanish, 2016
After having completed two years of Peace Corps service in Nicaragua John Soener, International Studies, 2016, will be attending graduate school at Indiana University. John will be pursuing a Masters in Public Affairs, focusing specifically on nonprofit management and policy analysis. His International Studies and Spanish degrees were a great way to start his career in public service and Peace Corps was an incredible career booster that has provided him incredible opportunities to fund graduate school.
Heidi (Foote) Bowman
EnglishEnglish Education, 2009
In the fall of 2017, Heidi Bowman, English, 2009, helped open the "sister charter school": CSArts-SGV. A free, public comprehensive high school in California's San Gabriel Valley, that embeds seven hours of conservatory arts instruction following the academic school day. Heidi has the distinct honor of being the Department Chair, and because of HSU's English Education program she graduated from in 2009, the department is the "Literature, Language, and Composition" team. The linguistics courses, the not-old-dead-white-guys literature courses, the pedagogy-built-into-my-soul courses, shaped her into an English teacher to be reckoned with!
Suzanne Heck (Keck)
SociologySocial Science, 1992
Suzanne Heck (Keck), Sociology, 1992, is married to Dave Heck and they have two children, Zoe and Dylan. They live in San Juan Capistrano in South Orange County. She is still true to her HSU campus recycling roots and is fighting the battle against single-use plastics!
Jacqueline Heinzen
Anthropology, 2017
Jacqueline Heinzen, Anthropology, 2017, received her MA in Applied Anthropology from HSU 2017. She has started work as a User Experience Researcher with Binary Defense, a cybersecurity firm based out of Hudson, Ohio. It's her first full-time job where she was hired specifically to apply her research skills as an anthropologist!