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Our Biology, Botany, and Zoology majors are broadly based which allows latitude of choices when developing a program suitable to individual needs.

Favorable opportunities can be expected for biological scientists with advanced degrees and for bachelor's candidates with outstanding educational and experiential backgrounds. Employment in the life sciences is expected to grow due to recent advances in genetic research, advances in biological technology, and efforts to conserve the environment.

The employment outlook will vary by specialty. Those who have the ability to do research in areas related to the genetic, cellular, and biochemical areas of biology should experience better employment opportunities than those in other specialties. However, many persons with a bachelor's degree find jobs in occupations such as sciences or engineering technicians or medical laboratory technologists. There is a continuing demand for secondary and private school life science teachers.

Related Job Titles

The following list is not meant to be all-inclusive; many other job alternatives and titles may exist. Many of the job titles listed require further education.

Agriculture Inspector
Aquatic Biologist
Biological Technician
Biotechnology Research Technician
Conservation Officer
Ecotourism Specialist
Environ. Protection Specialist
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Educator
Environmental Health Sanitarian
Environmental Planner
Environmental Scientist
Industrial Hygienist
Laboratory Asst/Tech.
Life Scientist
Marine Biologist
Marine Educator
Microbiologist (Public Health Micro.)
Museum Curator
Park Ranger
Pharmaceutical Sales Rep.
Plant Ecologist
Plant Geneticist
Plant Physiologist
Research Assistant
Science Teacher/Professor
Science Writers
Science Writers
Scientific Divers
Scientific Illustrator
Technical Writer
Water Quality Biologist

Marketable Skills


  • Writing precise technical reports
  • Working as part of a team
  • Media, public relations, and public speaking
  • Writing precise technical reports and research papers
  • Designing and presenting scientific posters

Technical Skills

  • Knowledge of plant and animal ecology
  • Operating and maintaining specialized scientific equipment
  • Conducting chemical analyses
  • Culturing body fluids or tissue samples

Recording & Interpreting Data

  • Categorizing specimens & experiments
  • Studying & describing normal plant and animal physiological functions
  • Observing and recording animal behavior or habits
  • Observing, characterizing, and recording traits of microorganisms and eukaryotic cells
  • capturing and analyzing microscopy data
  • collecting and analyzing molecular markers from a wide range of sample types
  • performing statistical analyses and reasoning
  • bioinformatics analysis

Featured Alumni

Degrees in the Biological Sciences have given alumni opportunities to work in their fields around the world.

Some Biology, Botany, and Zoology alumni have gone on to graduate schools. Others are making a difference as teachers and professors, have documented rare insects in Patagonia,  work in orchid conservation, and have become health care professionals.

Alumni Updates

Benjamin Woodruff

Biological Sciences, 2017

After graduating from HSU, Benjamin Woodruff, Biological Sciences, 2017, became a California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Bridges 2.0 scholar through Humboldt State and began his career as a researcher at Stanford University. There, he studied regenerative medicine as it relates to inner ear biology. Fueled by an enthusiasm for science and academia, he applied for graduate school and is currently a first year PhD student at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Oregon.

Melissa Neufer

Biological Sciences, 2001

In summer 2019, Melissa Neufer, Biology, 2001, studied desert and marine landscapes through ecological and social field methods in Baja, Mexico. Melissa, a biology teacher at Roseland University Prep High School, lives in Santa Rosa, California, and is a graduate student in Miami University's Global Field Program.

Craig S. Harrison

Biological Sciences, 1974 (Masters)

Craig Harrison, Biological Sciences, 1974, spent a year in Africa before attending HSU. Craig recently published his travelogue "Dreams of a Vanishing Africa: A 1970s Transcontinental Trek", which recounts his travels within the fabric of African societies in 1971-1972. He avoided safe, well-trodden routes and instead used decrepit trains, cargo trucks, rattletrap buses, jammed bush taxis, dugout canoes, and ferries. He lived out of a backpack and experienced the land and people of Africa up close. Craig's website ( has photos, and the book can be ordered there from the publisher Lulu as well as Amazon.

Christopher Swarth

Biological Sciences, 1978

After graduating, Christopher Swarth Biological Sciences, 1978, moved back home to Oakland where in 1983 he received his MS in Zoology from Cal State East Bay. After working for Point Reyes Bird Observatory, Lawrence Hall of Science (UC Berkeley) and Diablo Valley College, he married in 1987 and moved to Maryland. There he spent 23 years as director of the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, one of the components of the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. In 2013, he moved back to northern California to work and teach at UC Merced, where he was the director of the 6,500 acre Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve adjacent to campus until he retired in 2016. He lives in Mariposa.

Jolene Saldivar

Biological Sciences, 2017

Jolene Saldivar, Biological Sciences, 2017, has committed to the University of California, Riverside's Plant Biology PhD program and will begin this summer. She is also the recipient of the Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, which is the most prestigious diversity fellowship offered at UC Riverside.

Maria Cecilila Avila

Biological Sciences, 1985

Maria Cecilila Avila, 1985, is living in Chile.

Jessica Elaine Sepulveda

Biological SciencesBiology, 2017

Jessica Elaine Sepulveda, Biology, 2017, recently got this amazing opportunity to work in startup using stem cell technology to reduce humans impact on the environment. Unlike most stem cell technology that focuses on medicine, VitroLabs Inc goal is to reduce our ecological footprint by making ethical leather in a lab. Her job entails making induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), differentiating our stem cells into skin cell and generating leather. By producing leather in a lab from iPSCs we can eliminate the need for cow hides will still supplying the market with this particular textile. She finds her work satisfying and is able to fulfill her graduation pledge in several ways: our product is ethical & ecological.

Ana Veronica Parra

Biological Sciences, 2013

Ana Veronica Parra, Biology, 2013, fell in love with Astronomy after watching “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey” narrated by Neil deGrass Tyson. She is currently taking math and physics courses at San Diego Mesa College and plans to apply to the University of Colorado’s Astrophysics and Planetary Science Ph.D. program in December 2019. Here’s is more info as to what she's been up to:

Lawrence (Larry) Flammer

Biological SciencesZoology, 1956 and Teaching Credential

Lawrence (Larry) Flammer, Biological Sciences and Teaching Credential, 1956, taught high school biology at Del Mar. He was largely responsible for the creation and administration of the website of the Evolution and Nature of Science Institutes, which were founded (with NCSE's encouragement) "to improve the teaching of evolution in high school biology courses by encouraging teachers to teach evolutionary thinking in the context of a more complete understanding of modern scientific thinking," according to the "National Center for Science Education": He passed away at the age 83 on December 13, 2018.

Ruben Isaí Madriz Villanueva, Ph.D.

Biological Sciences, 2007

After graduating from Humboldt State in 2007 (B.S. in Biology & Zoology), R. Isaí Madriz, Biological Sciences, 2007, embarked on a two-year-long bicycle trip through the Americas during which he rode from Chicago to the southern tip of South America, volunteering along the way at wildlife rehabilitation centers and parks. He then attended UNAM in Mexico City and received a master's degree in Electronmicroscopy. In 2011 he married HSU alum, Kristina Lindsay (2006, Women's Studies) and they moved from California to Iowa where he earned a Ph.D. in Entomology from Iowa State. He and Kristina are currently living in Patagonia, Chile where he is a Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellow focused on rare insects.