These, and many other scholarships, are now available by way of Cal Poly Humboldt’s online scholarship system. To access & apply, select the Scholarships button in the Financial Matters Quick Links section of your portal.
Scholarships & Awards For the 2024/2025 Academic Year
Scholarships administered by the Department of Biological Sciences,
Cal Poly Humboldt
Brusca Zoology Scholarship
Purpose: To honor Gary Brusca for his many years of inspiring student interest in Invertebrate Zoology. Presented annually to graduate students in their 1st or 2nd year at Humboldt with an exceptional interest and promise in field and/or laboratory studies of Invertebrate Zoology. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding. Deadline: March 1
Dennis K. Walker Botany Award
Purpose: Recognition of the outstanding undergraduate botany student in each year's graduating class. Selection by the Botanical Awards Committee is based primarily on academic excellence. Final recipient selection made in early spring by the Botanical Awards Committee. Deadline: None; faculty nominations only
Ferguson Family Research Fund
The Ferguson Family Research Fund is intended to provide mentorship to undergraduate students by graduate students in the Department of Biological Sciences. Funds will be used to provide (1) stipends to undergraduate students while working on projects developed by graduate students and their faculty advisers, and (2) a limited amount of research supplies for the project. The goal of the fund is to enable undergraduate students to participate in a research environment, gaining valuable experience that can help them develop into practicing scientists. The hope is that a wide range of undergraduate students will participate in the program, and first-generation students are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications are initiated by graduate students and should include a project proposal that is approved by their major adviser. Undergraduate students will then apply to work on the projects that are funded.
Graduate Student Deadline: *Tentative for March 1; Undergraduate Student Deadline: *Tentative for April 1
Fred and Margaret Telonicher Memorial Scholarship
Purpose: Granted annually to a Cal Poly Humboldt undergraduate student in any concentration or major within the Department of Biological Sciences. Undergraduate students, in any stage of their college studies, are invited to apply. The award shall be given exclusively on the basis of academic excellence. Deadline: April 1
Gregory Mark Jennings Botany Award
Named in memory of Gregory Jennings, a graduate student of Humboldt (‘99 B.S. Botany, ’03 M.A. Biological Sciences). The purpose of this annual award is to promote the acknowledgment and dissemination of research in the field of botany. The annual award will support graduate students to travel for the purpose of presenting their research to a professional audience, or for expenses related to publishing their research. Eligible students are those pursuing a graduate degree in Biology, with a preference for those students with an area of research in botany. Final recipient selection will be made in early Spring by the Botanical Awards Committee. Deadline: None; faculty nominations only
Jack S. McGurk Marine Biology Scholarship
Purpose: The purpose of the Fund is to support students who are pursuing a Marine Biology degree at Cal Poly Humboldt. Scholarships will be for a minimum of $2,000 annually and available beginning Fall 2023.
Selection Criteria:
- Students enrolled in the Cal Poly Humboldt Marine Biology program
- Students in good academic standing per the standards of the University
Deadline: None; By faculty nomination, typically in the spring of each year.
James Christian Scholarship
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding student majoring in the biological sciences at Humboldt, preference given to a graduate student and based on financial need. Deadline: Not available for 24-25
James F. Welsh Biology Scholarship
The James F. Welsh Biology Scholarship endowment will provide multiple scholarships of $2,500 - $3,000, depending on available funds, to be awarded early every fall semester. The Welsh Biology Scholarship supports students who intend to go to graduate school after obtaining their Bachelor's degree from Humboldt. The award is not intended for students planning on attending professional schools such as medical, pharmacy or veterinary school. To be eligible for the award, you must meet the following application criteria: 1) you must be entering the second semester of your senior year; 2) you must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher; 3) you must be planning to pursue a graduate degree and 4) you must be a full time undergraduate students majoring in Biology, Botany, or Zoology. This award will be made in the fall of each year. Faculty will nominate eligible students based on the above criteria. Students will have the opportunity to fill out an interest form sent by the department in the fall of each year.
The award cycle for fall 2024 is complete. Look for updated information in fall 2025, including a link to an interest form. The deadline is typically in October or November of each year.
Master's Student Grant
The Master’s Student Grant award is made possible by the Department of Biological Sciences at Cal Poly Humboldt. Funds are distributed to graduate students through one grant allocation per year, which is administered by the Master’s Student Grant Program Committee.
Deadline: March 1
Michael B. Smeaton Biology Scholarship
Purpose: Provide one annual scholarship to a Biology undergraduate student majoring in the Cellular/Molecular concentration. Must have at least a sophomore standing when receiving funds and have a financial need. Preference will be given to students planning to enter the medical field or graduate school. Deadline: April 1
Milton J. Boyd Teaching Associate Award
Purpose: The Milton J. Boyd Outstanding Graduate Teaching Associate Award in Biological Sciences is intended to recognize outstanding first year graduate students in the Biological Sciences, who have served the department as a Teaching Associate through exemplary performance to enhance academic instruction in the classroom, laboratory, or field experience at Cal Poly Humboldt. Selection will be made by faculty nomination. Deadline: None; faculty nominations only
Moonstone Crossing Award
Cancer Research Assistantship
This award will support up to two Humboldt undergraduate and/or graduate students to do a cancer related BIOL 499 research project in the laboratory of Dr. Amy Sprowles during the Spring semester. Two awards will be given, in varying amounts. One award will be for students from backgrounds typically underrepresented in the field of biomedical research such as low income, first generation college student, or underrepresented cultural groups. Applicants must complete the application form and submit via email to:
Rumble Award for Excellence in Botany
Purpose: Recognition of an outstanding graduate botany student. Selection by the Botanical Awards Committee is based primarily on academic excellence. Final recipient selection made in early Spring by the Botanical Awards Committee. Deadline: None; faculty nominations only
Siering/Wilson Undergraduate Research Endowment
The Siering/Wilson Research Endowment is a program designed to fund undergraduate research activities in the broad disciplines of Microbial Ecology and Environmental Microbiology. Proposals from undergraduate students (freshman to seniors) in ALL departments within the College of Natural Resources (CNRS) at Cal Poly Humboldt will be considered. Projects may be theoretical, investigative, hypothesis-driven, or applied in focus. Since most questions related to the field of microbial ecology are interdisciplinary in nature, projects that involve collaborations among faculty mentors with different disciplinary expertise will be given preference. We anticipate multiple grants of $500-$1750 will be awarded to support projects to be conducted in the Spring, Summer and/or Fall of 2025. Funds may be used for research supplies and services (e.g. DNA sequencing, environmental analysis), but may not be used for travel. How to submit proposals: All application materials need to be combined into a single PDF (details forthcoming) that is emailed to Dr. Mark Wilson, by the deadline with the email subject heading: "Research Endowment Application 2024/2025". Any questions regarding this funding opportunity can be directed to Dr. Wilson at the above email address. Award recipients will be notified by email.
Link to the application: Siering Wilson Undergraduate Research Endowment Application 2025
Deadline: February 5, 2025 by 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Sterling J. Sam Botany Diversity Award
Purpose: To provide underrepresented students a chance at earning a botany degree, so they can make a positive impact on the community and commitment to the botanical profession. All qualified students are encouraged to apply, including those who belong to one of a number of campus clubs focused on underrepresented students, individuals with a disability, Native Americans, and/or students who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is based primarily on academic experience, but field and/or research experience will also be considered. Qualifying Botany seniors and graduate students are invited to apply. Selection will be made by the Botanical Awards Committee. Deadline is April 1.
Vera Woolford Scholarship
Purpose: Provide scholarships for worthy students at Cal Poly Humboldt who are interested in and who are pursuing study of the medical sciences. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding. Deadline: March 4
Sterling Sam Award for Outstanding Biological Photography, Microtechnique/histology, and/or Microscopy
This $200 award is to be awarded to the most outstanding undergraduate senior or graduate student in the fields of biological photography, microtechnique/histology, and/or microscopy. The student may have a concentration in zoology, biology, or botany, but preference is to be given to those in botany in the event of equally outstanding students being considered.
Biological photography should focus on close-up, macrophotography, macro bellows, and/or photomicrography. Medical photography, biomedical, landscape, general photography, or work using stacking software do not qualify.
Microtechnique/histology must include fixation, infiltration in paraffin or plastic, sectioning, mounting, and staining. Macerations, clearings, fresh mounts, fossil peels, freehand sectioning, and sectioning from a freezing microtome do not qualify.
Microscopy may include light microscopy (transmitted, oblique or epi-illumination), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Work done with stereo (dissecting microscope) microscopy, metrology microscopy, hand-lens, or stacking software do not qualify.
Deadline is April 1.
Scholarships administered by other departments at Cal Poly Humboldt
Ballard Scholarship
The Ballard scholarship is awarded to students on the basis of financial need. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding. One scholarship awarded to a Biology student and one scholarship is open to any major.
Ernest P. Fusi Scholarship in Natural Resources
Purpose: Scholarship to honor Ernest P. Fusi to promote the interests in furthering the education of full time CNRS students in the areas of natural resources. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding.
The Fusi and Dusi Scholarship
The Fusi and Dusi scholarship is awarded to a full-time student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in natural resources majors who have completed at least two courses taught bv natural resources facultv in the eligible majors at Humboldt, have at least two semesters of course work vet to be completed at Humboldt, academic achievement with a cumulative minimum GPA of 2.5 (Humboldt & transfer courses if applicable), as determined by the FAFSA. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding.
Gary Estenson Memorial Scholarship
Purpose: Undergraduate students who are majoring in Marine Biology or Fisheries Biology. Must have at least a 3.00 GPA and financial need. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding.
L. O. McDuff Scholarship
Purpose: Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in Fisheries Biology, Marine Biology or Environmental Science: Ecological Restoration, with GPA of at least 3.0, demonstrated financial need, with preference given to students within minimal or no support from parents. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding.
Malcolm Oliphant Scholarships in Marine Science
Purpose: Awarded on the basis of excellence, as judged by the Awards Committee. Work in progress at the Telonicher Marine Laboratory, Trinidad, will be one factor considered in the award of the scholarships. Students working on projects at the Marine Laboratory or working on marine science projects elsewhere that have implications for marine organisms are encouraged to apply. Academic promise will be demonstrated by scholastic achievement in at least two consecutive semesters of enrollment at Humboldt and by letters provided by two faculty members familiar with the academic achievements of the applicant. Potential or promise for a productive career in some aspect of marine science will be considered. Graduate or undergraduate students must have at least two semesters remaining to complete degree requirements for graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree or a Master’s degree. Amounts and numbers of scholarships are estimates, dependent on funding.
Nordstrom & White Pre-Vet Scholarship:
This scholarship will support at least two students who are enrolled in the Pre-Veterinary Program. Scholarship to be received during the junior or senior years of study. Must be in good standing and demonstrate financial aid need as determined by the FAFSA or Dream applications. Deadline: January 31.
Stephen Hillenburg Marine Science Research Award:
Applications are being sought for the Stephen Hillenburg Marine Science Research Award. As you can see from the flyer attached, "The award recognizes students conducting creative research who may “think outside the box” in developing and applying innovative approaches to address important ecological and societal questions. Marine science research including film, video, and illustration may also apply." The Award is open to any full-time undergraduate and graduate students with at least two semesters remaining to complete their degree who are conducting scholarly or creative activity in a marine science or related field. Collaborations among students and faculty involving marine science and the humanities or social sciences are also encouraged to apply. Scholarship Amount: One to two scholarships, $2,000 to $4,000 each.
Who May Apply: Full-time graduate or undergraduate students with at least two semesters remaining to complete degree requirements.
The Application Deadline: Typically in Jan. or Feb. each year.
Scholarships Administered by the Humboldt Area Foundation and Other Entities
Aawok Troy Fletcher Memorial Scholarship Fund: The Aawok Troy Fletcher Memorial Scholarship Fund supports students who are Yurok Tribal Members studying Natural Resources ((including land acquisition, biology, fisheries, water issues, natural resource restoration, watershed restoration, wildlife management and other aspects related to natural resources, such as policy making.) Interested students can apply for the 2024 Universal Application, which houses the Aawok Troy Fletcher Memorial Scholarship. We encourage you to share this opportunity, amongst the 170+ additional scholarship opportunities within the Universal Application, offered by Humboldt Area Foundation and Wild Rivers Community Foundation. There is a tutorial video to help walk students through the process of completing the eligibility quiz, and the subsequent application. That video can be viewed here. There is also a step-by-step application guide, for students who cannot view the video. More information on the HAF+WRCF Scholarship Finder can be found here.
American Association of University Women (AAUW); Scholarships for Female Re-Entry Students: The Humboldt Branch of the American Association of University Women is now accepting applications for its Re-entry Scholarships. Re-entry students meeting the scholarship eligibility requirements below are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is October 31, 2024.
Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
• Women residing in Humboldt, Del Norte or Trinity County
• Currently enrolled at Cal Poly Humboldt in upper division or graduate courses
• Return to college after a hiatus of 5 years or more in collegiate education
• Grade point average (GPA) at CPH of at least 3.0 (if available)
• Demonstrate financial needs
SCHOLARSHIP RANGE: $1,500-$2,000
More details and the complete application packet are available at:
Botanical Society of America, PLANTS Grant: The PLANTS grant is a travel award for underrepresented undergraduates to attend the annual Botany conference, including mentorship from both peer and experienced mentors within the field of botany. The Botany and Beyond: PLANTS III pathway program is funded by the National Science Foundation (DEB-2138730) and Botanical Society of America to bring a talented and diverse group of undergraduates to BOTANY 2025 in Palm Springs, CA from July 25-31, 2025, where we will provide mentored training opportunities. BSA leads this program, in conjunction with our partners at the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Society for Herbarium Curators, in support of a more inclusive and accessible culture in the botanical community.
Learn more and apply at:
California Garden Clubs Inc. Scholarship Program: Annually a minimum of two (2) CGCI Scholarships are available, each in the amount of $2,000. The number of scholarships and their amount for each academic year will be determined annually. One-year scholarships are available to juniors, seniors and graduate students pursuing a Master's Degree.
Link to the webpage for more information.
California Native Plant Society Research Grants: Successfully funded projects will intersect with California native plants and expand on information gaps within the natural and social sciences. We encourage applicants whose research relates to native plants in fields such as conservation, botany, ecology, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, land management, horticulture, communications, economics, history, or other socio-cultural connections. CNPS will evaluate applications on their ability to advance CNPS's mission of conserving California's native plants and their natural habitats, now and into the future, through science, education, stewardship, gardening, and advocacy. CNPS is committed to increasing ways for people of all backgrounds to deepen their relationships with California native plants. People from groups underrepresented in the natural and social sciences are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted through October 31, 2024.
Learn more and apply at:
Humboldt Bay Mycological Society Scholarship Opportunity: The Humboldt Bay Mycological Society (HBMS) is pleased to announce the annual Dr. David Largent Scholarship, with an award of $800. The recipient will be required to give a 45-minute to 1-hour presentation on a mycology-related topic of their choice. This presentation, including a PowerPoint, will be delivered in person at our monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in Arcata, CA.
Application Deadline: November 30, 2024
For application details, download the flyer.
Eureka Sequoia Garden Club Scholarship: A $500 scholarship will be awarded to a local college or high school student from Eureka, Arcata, McKinleyville, or an unincorporated area, who displays interest and aptitude in the fields of Agriculture, Plant Science, Horticulture, Landscape Design, Environmental Studies, Floral Arrangement, or a related field.
Learn more on their website:
Email for Questions:
Green Diamond Resource Company, Natural Resources Scholarship: Local Company, Green Diamond, has two Natural Resources Internship and Scholarship Opportunities, one in California and one in Washington: The purpose of the Green Diamond Opportunity Internship Program is to expose students interested in forestry or natural resources and help them navigate, grow and thrive in the profession. The program is intended for students who are currently pursuing academic degrees in an accredited college of forestry or natural resources and to help them achieve their academic goals.
2025 Natural Resources Opportunity Internship and Scholarship (CA) flyer
2025 Natural Resources Opportunity Internship and Scholarship (WA) flyer
Humboldt Area Foundation & Wild Rivers Community Foundation's 2025 Universal Application: Humboldt Area Foundation and Wild Rivers Community Foundation’s 2025 Universal Application is officially open! The Universal Application (UA) houses over 180 unique scholarship opportunities and is available on Scholarship Finder. The Donald Morris Hegy Memorial Fund is housed within the Universal Application and specifically supports graduate students studying Engineering, Mathematics, Architecture, or Science at Cal Poly Humboldt. The Joseph Sidney Woolford Fund also supports any students who are entering or continuing graduate school at Cal Poly Humboldt. Applications for UA scholarship opportunities must be submitted no later than March 3, 2025. Application support, including tutorials and an FAQ, may be found on the HAF+WRCF Website. For questions and application support, contact: Savannah Sonia, Grants & Scholarships Coordinator, (707) 284-0180 or
Sydney Morrone, Grants & Scholarships Manager, (707) 442-6775
View a full list of scholarships that are included in the Universal application, here:
These, and many other scholarships, are now available by way of Cal Poly Humboldt’s online scholarship system. To access & apply, select the Scholarships button in the Financial Matters Quick Links section of your portal.
Inaugural Association of California Water Agencies Foundation Scholarships: The ACWA Foundation scholarship program will award three $10,000 scholarships in fall of 2023. This scholarship program is about investing in future water leaders and cultivating a bright future for students who are dedicated to working in this industry. Priority will be given to applicants whose situation best advances the ACWA Foundation mission. Criteria for selection will also be based on financial need, academic excellence, career goals, and interest in the water community.
Learn more and apply at:
Manual C. Kaster Scholarship: The Manuel C. Kaster Scholarship Fund has been established to provide financial
support to deserving Cal Poly Humboldt undergraduate students pursuing a zoology degree. Students must have a minimum 2.5 gpa and be entering their last two years of college. Fields of study include zoology and biology, with an emphasis in ecology/biodiversity, environmental biology, general biology, marine biology, or microbiology. The Manual C. Kaster Scholarship is included in the above mentioned Humboldt Area Foundation & Wild Rivers Community Foundation's 2023 Universal Application.
Learn more at:
North Coast Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, Student Research Grants: The North Coast Chapter of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) offers student research grants of up to $4,000 for studies focused on local, native plants and their habitats. This grant is available to undergraduate and graduate students at Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods. The purpose of these grants is to assist and promote student research that leads to a greater understanding of native plants and their habitats and, ideally, better conservation and management outcomes. Research topics and approaches can vary widely and include but are not limited to basic biology, taxonomy, ecological interactions, vegetation, evolutionary biology, climate change, traditional ecological knowledge, ecological restoration, listed species recovery, invasive species eradication and management, and native plant habitat studies. However, the research must focus on plants native to Humboldt, Trinity, Siskiyou, and Del Norte Counties.
Please see the website for details; applications are due by March 15th.
Northern California Botanists; Barbara Castro Student Botany Research Scholarship Program: Northern California Botanists is now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year! Northern California Botanists provides competitive botany and plant ecology scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students attending a college or university. Research scholarships will be funded by NCB with the goals of encouraging undergraduate students to pursue academic endeavors toward a career in botany, promoting undergraduate and graduate botany and plant ecology research and implementing objectives of the NCB mission.
The deadline is March 14, 2025.
Download the application package
Download the scholarship recommendation form
More info at:
Perennial Plant Foundation 2023 Scholarships: The Perennial Plant Foundation (PPF) is proud to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2023 scholarship to attend the Perennial Plant Association National Symposium in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada July 24-28, 2023. The PPF was incorporated in 2000 as a 501c3 with the primary goal of supporting students and providing experiential scholarships to attend the National Symposium of the Perennial Plant Association. The selected students will receive $1,000 dollars plus full registration and housing for the duration of the PPA conference. The fully immersive experience connects students with current members of the industry, showcasing the diversity of horticultural career opportunities. This exposure and connection to the industry has directly impacted students for the past two decades. Scholarship applications are being accepted at, the deadline is March 31, 2023. Please share this information with your students and colleagues.
San Diego Farm Bureau Scholarship: The San Diego County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce its 2024 scholarship program to assist students seeking a future in agriculture. Through the generosity of San Diego County farmers, ranchers, and nursery operators, over $495,675 in scholarships have been awarded to 378 college students from San Diego County since the program's inception in 1999. In order to award these scholarships, we need your help reaching qualified students. Eligibility requirements are as follows:
• Student is entering or attending a two-year or four-year college or university;
• Student is pursuing a course of study in agriculture or a closely related field; and
• Student has a permanent residence in San Diego County.
Scholarship awards range from $1,000 up to $5,000. Funds awarded in 2024 must be applied to the 2024-2025 academic year. Completed applications need to be postmarked by April 15, 2024.
Apply at: