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The printmaking program offers beginning through advanced instruction in a variety of processes: relief (woodcut, linocut, wood engraving), intaglio (etching, drypoint), planographic (waterless and stone lithography) and screen print (photo-silkscreen).

Students receive a thorough grounding in print fundamentals. Color, black and white, unique, and edition printing are all covered in the curriculum. Traditional and contemporary print techniques are taught through a drawing-centered approach, with an emphasis on individualized conceptual expression.

Our print studio is housed in one large main room, where we have three etching, three lithography and one proof press, work tables and related print equipment. We have an additional small room upstairs which we use as a basic darkroom.

Students graduating with an emphasis in printmaking may elect to pursue graduate studies, work as a printer for fine art or commercial printing houses, or develop independently as an artist.

Printmaking Faculty