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Academic Advising Policies

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As a result of academic advising, students will be able to navigate university resources and policies to maximize opportunities for academic development.

By the end of your first year, you will be able to:

Connect to Academic Support:

  • Understand the role your academic advisor plays in your support network.
  • Locate and utilize student support services.
  • Locate and access information regarding academic deadlines.
  • Know the steps to follow if struggling academically.
  • Understand and locate information on academic policies and procedures.

Actively Engage in Academic Planning & Preparation:

  • Identify personal goals relevant to your educational experience.
  • Understand all university, and major requirements for your degree.
  • Develop an academic plan tailored to your needs.
  • Prepare for upcoming registration cycle each semester.

Embrace Exploration & Experience:

  • Explore academic majors and career options by the end of the first year and ongoing.
  • Make progress towards graduation each semester.

Download a copy of the Academic Advising Syllabus


To Do:
• Print out a campus map and locate your classes before the first day of the term.
• Read your class syllabi and make note of upcoming assignments.
• Review the calendar of Academic Deadlines and Important Dates.
• Start off the semester strong and stay on top of assignments.
Think About:
• Each class you are in, how much time it will require outside of class, and whether it is a good fit this term.
• Learn how to use a planner to keep track of assignments, important deadlines, and to better manage your time.
• Establish communication with classmates.
Advisor Expectations:
• Your advisor and instructors will communicate with you via your Cal Poly Humboldt email. Check it often so you don’t miss important news about events, workshops, registering for next semester’s classes, and other topics of interest to you.
Extra Credit:
• Attend Welcome Home to Humboldt activities to meet new people and get to know campus.
• Have all required materials for your classes by the end of the first week.


To Do:
• Make an appointment with your academic advisor to begin the discussion about your goals.
• Learn about campus resources, workshops and events.
• Learn your professors’ email and office hours. Office hours are a weekly time for student visits.
Think About:
• How are you managing your time? What methods do you use to keep track of your assignments, exams and other important deadlines?
Advisor Expectations:
• Your advisor will expect you to meet with them to talk about your reasons for coming to Cal Poly Humboldt so they can better support your academic, personal and professional goals.
Extra Credit:
• Connect with tutoring services and the Learning Center for academic support.
• Get to know your professors by talking with them before and after class and/or during their office hours.
• Explore clubs, activities, and community events.
Reflection Question:
• How are you settling in to Humboldt and what will you need to be successful?


To Do:
• If struggling in class, talk to your professor and advisor immediately.
• Find your registration date for spring semester in your Student Center (end of month).
• Check your Student Center for any holds that may prevent registration.
• Make an appointment with your advisor to plan your schedule for spring semester.
• Study for midterms.
Advisor Expectations:
• Before you meet with your advisor, review your DARS and the requirements for your major. Your advisor will expect you to schedule an appointment to talk about your plans for the next few semesters, classes you want to take, and any concerns or questions you have about your college experience so far.
Extra Credit:
• Predict your GPA for the current semester and talk to your professors about how you are doing.
• Visit the Learning Center to prepare for midterms and finals.


To Do:
• Meet with your advisor to plan your spring semester if you have not already.
• The fall break is a great time to get organized and start studying for finals.
Think About:
• How are you managing your time? If warranted, make adjustments to meet current academic goals and to schedule time for health and well-being activities.
Advisor Expectations:
• Your advisor will expect that you have met with them and are prepared to register on your appointed day and time. Contact your advisor if you have challenges preventing you from registering for next semester’s classes.


To Do:
• Review finals schedule. Final exams often occur at a different place, time, or day as the class.
• Ensure your schedule for spring is aligned with your major and degree requirements.
• You completed your first semester of college. Finish strong and celebrate your successes.
Advisor Expectations:
• Have a wonderful break! Your advisor will want you to contact them if your plans have changed or you do not plan to return for the spring term.
Reflection Question:
• Reflecting on your experiences as both a high school student and a college freshman, what are the most significant differences in terms of what is expected of you as a college student versus a high school student?


To Do:
• Check your grades in Student Center the first week of January (not on Canvas).
• If you didn’t do as well as expected, contact your advisor right away.
• Read your spring semester class syllabi and make note of upcoming assignments.
• Review the calendar of Academic Deadlines and Important Dates.
Think About:
• What did you do to be successful this past term? How can you build on those successes?
• Which professors did you feel comfortable with last semester? Continue to connect and say hello with these professors (Start thinking about internships and letters of recommendation).
Advisor Expectations:
• Check Student Center for your fall term grades, holds, or to do’s. Take care of them when the spring term begins. Contact your advisor if you have questions or want to make changes to your schedule after grades come out.


To Do:
• Add/Drop ends the first week of February. Double-check your schedule in Student Center.
Think About:
• What resources can you use to help you get back on track if necessary?
• What is important to you? (Values) What are your aspirations? How do you get there? (Goal setting) How does what you’ve learned about your major align with your interests, aptitudes, values and goals?
• Evaluate the classes you are taking. Are you enjoying your major classes? Do they make you feel differently about your major?
Advisor Expectations:
• Your advisor will want to talk to you about support resources you have utilized so far, and what changes, if any, you’ve made to the way you approach your college classes and study habits.
Extra Credit:
• Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss goals and plan for fall semester.
• Familiarize yourself with the career services offered at the Career Development Center.
• Meet with your professors during office hours and talk about how classes are going.


To Do:
• If struggling in class, talk to your professor and advisor immediately.
• Identify your registration date for fall semester in Student Center (after spring break).
• Check your Student Center for any holds that may prevent registration.
• Make an appointment with your advisor to plan your schedule for fall.
Think About:
• What specific fields in your major are you most interested in?
• What are your housing and financial aid needs for the next semester.
Advisor Expectations:
• Your advisor will want to talk to you about how your schedule for fall semester, the courses you are taking, and your major, align with your academic and career goals.

Extra Credit:
• Spring break is a great time to get ahead on assignments.
• Predict your GPA for the semester and talk to your professors about how you are doing in class.
Reflection Question:
• What activities do you enjoy? (Interests) What are your personal and academic strengths and skills? (Aptitudes)


To Do:
• Be ready to register at your appointed date and time.
• Summer school registration is in April. Ask your advisor about classes if interested in attending.
Think About:
• How satisfied are you with your major? If you wish to explore other options, see your advisor.
• Summer and fall employment options.
Advisor Expectations:
• You have met your advisor to plan appropriate classes for next semester. Contact your advisor to schedule a meeting if you have any holds or to-do’s showing in your Student Center.
Extra Credit:
• Make an appointment with your academic advisor if you have not already done so.


To Do:
• Determine where and when your final exams will take place.
• Check your email for finals week resources available to help you study and pass exams.
• Take care of your overall health and well-being when preparing for finals. Find campus resources that can support you.
Think About:
• What academic goals would you like to accomplish next year?
• Joining a club or organization or finding a part-time job that focuses on your career interests.
• Valuable college experiences like major-specific research, internships, and study abroad.
Advisor Expectations:
• Check your DARS and Student Center when grades are posted. Is there anything unexpected? Look for holds and to-do’s. Your advisor wants you to contact them with questions or concerns.
Extra Credit:
• Check your grades on your Student Center. Grades will not be mailed to you.
• Contact your advisor if you have questions about your schedule and wish to make adjustments after grades post.