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The accreditation steering committee wants to hear from the campus community. We are writing an institutional report in which we analyze how Cal Poly Humboldt aligns with the four WSCUC accreditation standards. It is vital that we consider the knowledge, experiences, and perspectives of students, staff, and faculty.
If you are willing to offer your thoughts, please continue to read.
For students, we have prepared a feedback form that focuses on how the standards intersect with student concerns. Please click on the following link to open the student questionnaire. Once in the survey, you are free to offer feedback only on the topics that you care most about. You may skip any questions that you wish.
For faculty and staff, we have a comment form for each accreditation standard outlined below. Please read the four standards and submit a survey for one, some, or all of them.
Anonymous Feedback
Finally, if you would like to submit comments anonymously, you may contact WSCUC directly at their comment page.
Accreditation Standard 1: Defining Institutional Mission and Acting with Integrity
The institution defines its mission and establishes educational and student success objectives aligned with that mission. The institution has a clear sense of its essential values, culture, and distinctive elements and of its contributions to society and the public good. It promotes the success of all students and makes explicit its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The institution functions with integrity and transparency.
If you would like to offer information or thoughts relevant to standard one, please open the survey with the following link:
Accreditation Standard 2: Achieving Educational Objectives and Student Success
The institution achieves its educational and student success objectives through the core functions of teaching and learning, and through support for student learning, scholarship, and creative activity. It promotes the success of all students and makes explicit its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The institution demonstrates that core functions are performed effectively by evaluating valid and reliable evidence of learning.
If you would like to offer information or thoughts relevant to standard two, please open the survey with the following link:
Accreditation Standard 3: Assuring Resources and Organizational Structures
The institution achieves its educational and student success objectives through investments in human, physical, fiscal, technology, and information resources within appropriate organizational and decision-making structures, and consistent with its explicit commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
If you would like to offer information or thoughts relevant to standard three, please open the survey with the following link:
Accreditation Standard 4: Creating an Institution Committed to Quality Assurance and Improvement
The institution engages in sustained, evidence-based, and participatory reflection about how effectively it is accomplishing its mission, achieving its educational and student success objectives, and realizing its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The institution envisions its future in light of the changing environment of higher education. These activities inform both institutional planning and systematic evaluations of educational effectiveness.
If you would like to offer information or thoughts relevant to standard four, please open the survey with the following link:
More Ways to Connect
Visit the Announcements page and the Accreditation Timeline page to stay up-to-date on all things reaffirmation.