Supportive Pathways
Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program
How Does the Supportive Pathways for First-Year Students Program Help Students?
- The program curriculum is designed to meet students’ needs by supporting them through their GE and major coursework requirements.
- The program fosters a sense of community and belonging through services that include support in and out of the classroom experience.
- The program provides opportunities for students to establish connections with their peers, faculty, and staff in their first days as CSU students.
Examples of supportive pathways models
- Stretch English A2 and math B4 courses (courses extended over multiple terms)
- Labs, mentoring, advising, workshops, or tutoring
- Activities that promote a sense of community and belonging

Sample first-year schedules at Cal Poly Humboldt
- Math - depends on multiple measures, major, and placement - STEM majors should enroll in math the first semester; non-STEM can take math in the spring but check your major - visit the Math webpage
- Stretch English 102/103 should be taken in the fall or 104/110 could be taken in the spring - visit the English webpage
- Place-Based Learning Communities - visit the PBLC Webpage
- GE
- Math
- English
- Major and GE courses
Support for ALL students but especially 3&4 by embedding in stretch English or math or in the support courses.
- Study space - math lab, writing center other spaces where students can work together to find friends and get support
- Communication
- Basic needs - Early alert to make sure students have basic needs
- Collaboration across sections - FLC for faculty to communicate across all courses in the first semester.
- Platform to hear student voices and structure to respond
- Develop a sense of community - peers and peer mentors
- Learn resilience, change, and how to navigate uncomfortable situations. Coping strategies to deal with stress and anxiety. Programming that allows students to understand who they are, what triggers them, and how to bounce back from setbacks.
- Math and English faculty support placement and work with ACAC advisors over the summer
The Faculty and Staff Learning Community for Supportive Pathways will meet Bi-monthly to discuss progress and support throughout the semester.