What’s New at Y.E.S.!?!?!?!

Y.E.S. is gearing up to turn 50!! Can you believe it? That’s 5 DECADES!! Some things have changed here at Y.E.S. yet many have stayed the same. We still have the same passionate, kind, driven students that have always been attracted to the Y.E.S. mission and volunteerism. It seems like the faces change, but the hearts stay the same. That being the hearts of students who want to give back to their community and make the world a better place.
In 49 years of operation, Y.E.S. students have initiated 71 community and campus-based programs. We have some of the same programs that started 30, 40 and 50 years ago and some brand new ones! Our very first program, Tutorial (now known as Study Buddies – thanks Jake!!), is still going very strong 50 years later! Our newest program is QMAP (Queer Mentoring and Advocacy Program). They just got their sign hung along the pathway to our building! A little Humboldt winter weather should break it right in!
Also continuing is our annual fundraiser known as Serve-A-Thon on Cesar Chavez day. This is normally a day off for most Humboldt students, staff and faculty but not for Y.E.S.! For the last two years we have had over two hundred volunteers participate in a service day at Potawot Community Food Garden. That’s over 800 total volunteer hours in just two days!

We currently have 14 very active programs making a positive difference in Humboldt County. During the 2016-2017 academic year, over 500 local children, youth and adults participated in Y.E.S. programs at 8 schools and 18 community organization sites. Last year, 427 student volunteers engaged in 13,725 hours of service and training.
Have you been involved with Y.E.S. in the past and want information on our 50th Anniversary Celebration/Reunion? We will be hosting a Y.E.S. tent at Humboldt Homecoming with food and drinks during the annual Homecoming tailgate party. There will be a lot to celebrate and we would love to have Y.E.S. alumni join us! We will have 50th Anniversary Y.E.S. t-shirts for sale as well. Please email to be added to our email list so you don’t miss any important announcements!