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Studying with Buddies Changes Lives

Freshman Amanda Ramirez-Sebree has worked with children since she was 12 years old teaching environmental education, and knew even before attending Humboldt she was going to work with kids, but did not know how. She was heartbroken when she had to leave her students on the East Coast, but after she started volunteering, and later directing her own program at the YES House, she discovered she wanted to stay involved and become a teacher. As a tutor at local elementary schools and other locations with Study Buddies, Amanda has seen how she has influenced one student in particular by watching her evolve into a better student. She teaches her young mentee at the Jefferson Project, who is in the second grade. Before Amanda, the girl had always become very stressed and overwhelmed when she had to complete homework, but is now much more confident. Amanda says; “Ever since I started working with her, she does not get upset as easily, or as distracted,” which is a huge difference to make in a childs young developmental school years.

The young director is sure that in the future she will continue working to help children succeed in school and in life, as she plans on staying with the YES House until she graduates. She hopes to fill her resume with a Program Coordinator position, and stay involved with Environmental Education as well as Study Buddies after she finishes her director duties Fall 2015. As director at the YES House, Amanda has seen tremendous changes in herself as well as her students, and is incredibly grateful for the opportunities it has presented her. 

Study Buddies volunteers at this years’ Serve-a-thon striking a silly pose.

Study Buddies volunteers at this years’ Serve-a-thon striking a silly pose.