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Current Opportunities

Summer 2025 Field Research Assistant Positions

Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest Pyrosilviculture Study (4 positions)- seeking field research assistants to help collect fuels and forest data as part of an experimental research project investigating the longer-term effects of thinning and burning treatments in a ponderosa pine forest in northeastern California. This project is a collaboration with USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. 

Redwood Restoration Thinning/Baker Cypress Fire Refugia (4 positions)- seeking field research assistants to assist graduate student research projects examining long-term fuel dynamics following restoration thinning treatments in Headwaters Forest Reserve (2 positions) and characterizing fire refugia within recently burned Baker Cypress forests in northern California. These projects are a collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management and USDA Forest Service.

Assistant Lab Manager Position (1 position)- seeking assistant lab manager for the Humboldt Fire Lab to facilitate research logistics, reimbursements, data management, and lab research. 

Email associated questions to Jeff Kane (