
Sharyn Marks
Research Focus
Integrating Studies of Amphibian Ecology with the Management of Natural Resources to Promote Amphibian Population Viability:
It is now well documented that there have been and continue to be severe declines in amphibian diversity worldwide. Although the exact causes of declines continues to be debated, and there is likely no single cause that explains all declines, it is clear that human activities are responsible. Government agencies have a strong interest in managing public lands such that amphibian diversity is maintained or improved over current levels. However, managers are handicapped by our lack of knowledge of the natural history and ecology of many amphibian species. I have developed a research program, involving graduate students and undergraduates, which investigates the ecology of several amphibian species. By addressing the needs of government agencies, I have been able to secure funding for many student projects while still pursuing my interest in basic biological questions such as (1) What are the environment factors that regulate amphibian activities? (2) How do we predict the distribution of species on a landscape scale? and, (3) How do the habitat requirements of an individual species vary over its life cycle? By integrating knowledge of amphibian ecology with information on the mechanisms of amphibian declines, land managers can develop effective plans for maintaining biodiversity. I am conducting much of this research in collaboration with graduate students.
- PhD (1995) University of California, Berkeley
- BA (1987) University of Chicago
- Herpetology
- Principles of Zoology