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The CSU has a new policy on freedom of expression. Learn more.


Value Statement

Our purpose is to enhance the reputation and standing of Cal Poly Humboldt and to maximize voluntary support in ways that are fulfilling to contributors and respond to the priority needs of the University in both the short term and over the long term.

Our vision is that all alumni, friends, campus partners, and others who care about the institution are engaged in meaningful relationships in support of Cal Poly Humboldt.

The values that guide our work must reinforce the values of the University and demonstrate our accountability and transparency.

RESPONSIBILITY – We consider the interests of the individual as well as the interests of the University. We regard information, especially that concerning an individual’s charitable giving, as confidential, and recognize that matters concerning charitable contributions are often highly personal.

INTEGRITY – We live up to the spirit as well as the letter of commitments made to alumni, donors and volunteers, and we are honest in our presentation and marketing of the University. We avoid conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived, between our roles at the University and outside activities, both paid and voluntary. We do not exploit relationships with alumni, donors or volunteers for personal benefit. We utilize University facilities, equipment, and property only for official University business.

TEAMWORK – We recognize that success is the result of team effort rather than a solitary accomplishment. Therefore, we value teamwork among University Advancement staff, with others in the University community, and with volunteers and partners. We pursue honest and open communication between supervisors and staff members and with members of the community.

QUALITY – We are visible representatives of the University and are the primary contact with the University for many individuals. We recognize our responsibility to reinforce the excellence of the University through the quality of our own work, including our personal interactions, our correspondence and all communications.

ENTHUSIASM – We believe that being supportive of and positive about the mission of the University and our role in fulfilling that mission is essential to being effective in our work. We understand that our public behavior must reflect our dedication to the mission.

INITIATIVE – We initiate action instead of merely responding to events and circumstances. We are willing to make our own decisions, take independent action, and assume reasonable risks when necessary. We are willing to undertake responsibilities beyond the ordinary scope of our jobs when the best interests of alumni, donors, volunteers and the University are at stake.

LEADERSHIP – We understand and embrace our obligation to lead by example and we are committed to living these values through our own personal involvement in our communities.