Research and Projects
Current Research and Projects

Assessment of low cost UAV photogrammetry and RTK GPS technologies for forest inventory and road assessment, Harold Zald, Sara Hanna, Kevin Boston
The seed maturation schedule in relation to degree days for commercially valuable tree species of the L.W. Schatz Demsontration Tree Farm, Buddhika Madurapperuma and David Greene
Slash Piles and Yield, Melanie McCavour and Kevin Boston
Davis Creek Stream Habitat Inventory, Joe Seney
Water for Streams: Investigating the Potential for Forest Thinning to Augment Summer Flows in Northern California Watershed, Andrew Stubblefield
Schatz Tree Farm Small Mammal Inventory: the Sonoma tree vole, a California Species of Special Concern, Lucy Kerhoulas and Nicholas Kerhoulas
Carbon, Water-use, and Regeneration after Variable-density Retention in Evergreen Mixed-conifers, Pascal Berriill, Aaron Hohl, Susan Marshall, Andrew Stubblefield, Lucy Kerhoulas, David Greene
Epiphyte diversity and water exchange within bigleaf maple crowns, Lucy Kerhoulas
Root:Shoot Biomass, Pascal Berrill
Below-ground Carbon Storage in Tanoak Forestlands
Tree Farm bio-energy pilot study: Planting five tree species in a replicated test plot.
The effects of mechanical masti-cation intensity on treat-ment cost and fuelbed and vegetation response