
Welcome to Strategic Business Services’ Procure-to-Pay (P2P) site. Here you will find information on procuring, receiving, and paying for goods and services. CSUBUY P2P is the implementation of strategic, standardized procurement processes that allow for the elimination of manual steps resulting in efficiencies through automation, risk mitigation and cost savings for the California State University.

This is your platform for the procurement and payment of all goods and services except travel and reimbursements to employees and students.
CSUBUY P2P is a comprehensive procurement platform designed to optimize the entire procure-to-pay process, ensuring seamless and efficient transactions from sourcing to payment within the CSU system.
Invoice submission:

CSUBUY Legacy Reimbursements
This is your platform for non-travel reimbursements to employees and students. Note: personal reimbursements are highly discouraged. All purchasing should be facilitated through CSUBUY P2P, or on a Concur Travel Card.
Legacy Invoice Submission: