Student Marketing Center
The Student Marketing Center (SMC) provides the opportunity for students to create and manage marketing campaigns and design materials for student-centered programming. Students receive hands-on experience working with marketing-tech platforms that cover multiple channels including mobile app and Client Relationship Management (CRM). We work in collaboration with numerous campus departments such as the Dean of Students Office, School of Business, Cultural Centers for Academic Excellence, Gutswurrak Student Activities Center (SAC), and the Art Department. While the SMC is a separate marketing entity from MarCom, we work closely with their leadership for support as needed.
The SMC accepts Service Requests from departments within Enrollment Management & Student Success that promote inclusive student engagement and services that encourage values such as social responsibility, self-advocacy, leadership development and community engagement. This includes all of our Clubs & Organizations recognized by the Office of Student Life.
Need help getting the word out on an event or program you're planning? Need help designing a campaign for your project?
We can help. Complete the form below and we will get back to you with an approval and estimated completion date of your Services Request. Completion time varies based upon the scope of work requested. Please allow a minimum of two weeks lead time for desired completion dates. We look forward to working with you.
Submit a Request
Contact Us
(707) 826-5381
Mission Statement
Humboldt's Student Marketing Center manages marketing campaigns and design materials aimed at enhancing campus student engagement for students by students. We are intentional with creating a meaningful, co-curricular experience for our student staff as we also partner with Academic Affairs.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that Cal Poly Humboldt is located on the unceded lands of the Wiyot people, where they have resided from time immemorial. We encourage all to gain a deeper understanding of their history and thriving culture. As an expression of our gratitude we are genuinely committed to developing trusting, reciprocal, and long lasting partnerships with the Wiyot people as well as all of our neighboring tribes.