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University Resources and Planning Committee (URPC)

Membership of URPC


Co-Chair, FacultyJaime LancasterSchool of Business2025
Co-Chair, ProvostJenn CappsAcademic AffairsEx-Officio
FacultyDave JanettaArt + Film2025
FacultyRamesh AdhikariSchool of Business2025
FacultyRosanna OverholserMathematics2026
StaffSteven MargellIRAR2026
StaffNathaniel Cacciari-RoyAcademic Affairs2026
StudentCelena Tello-LinaresAssociated Students2025
StudentEduardo CruzAssociated Students2025
Academic DeanJeff CraneCollege of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences2025
VP of Enrollment ManagementChrissy HollidayEnrollment ManagementEx-Officio
Acting VP of Administration & FinanceMichael FisherAdministrative AffairsEx-Officio
VP of University AdvancementMark JohnsonUniversity AdvancementEx-Officio
Budget Director (non-voting)Carla WhartonBudget OfficeEx-Officio
URPC Page on the University Budget Office Site
Regular Meetings

Every two weeks from 1:00-3:00 pm on Fridays

  • Co-Chair, a faculty senator elected by Senate
  • Co-Chair, the Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs, ex-officio
  • Three (3) faculty members, appointed by AEC
  • Two (2) staff delegates, appointed by AEC
  • Two (2) student delegates, appointed by Associated Students
  • One (1) Academic Dean, appointed by the President
  • Vice President of Enrollment Management (or designee), ex-officio
  • Vice President of Administrative Affairs (or designee), ex-officio
  • Vice President of University Advancement (or designee), ex-officio
Advisors (non-voting)
  • University Budget Director
  • a Budget Analyst from each Division